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巡 道 工 出品 photo by Xundaogong - panoramio (106) .jpg
Korean alphabet : 혜산
Chinese characters : 惠山
Revised Romanization : Hyesan
McCune-Reischauer : Hyesan
Basic data
Province : Ryanggang-do
Coordinates : 41 ° 24 '  N , 128 ° 11'  E Coordinates: 41 ° 24 '  N , 128 ° 11'  E
Residents: 192,680  (as of 2008)
Hyesan (North Korea)
Hyesan on the map of North Korea.

Hyesan is a city in North Korea with 192,794 inhabitants, located on the Yalu River border with the People's Republic of China . It is an industrial city, a cultural center with universities , theaters and museums as well as a transport hub ( road , railway and airport ). Hyesan is the capital of Ryanggang-do Province .


In 1915 the temperature in Hyesan was −42 degrees Celsius. This was the lowest recorded temperature on the Korean Peninsula to date .


Worth seeing in Hyesan are the Kwaendung pavilion and the 2,136 meter high Kwandu mountain east of the city . From Hyesan, tourist trips to the 2,744 meter high Paektu-san to the north of the city are organized. The mountain is a volcano whose formation, location, grace and strength make an impression on those who appreciate natural beauty. In addition, according to North Korean representation, Kim Jong-il was born on Paektu .


Important branches of the economy are wood processing , paper manufacture and the textile industry .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Central Bureau of Statistics (ed.): DPR Korea 2008 Population Census. National Report . Pyongyang 2009 ( archive.org [PDF; accessed November 15, 2017]).