IFA Wartburg

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IFA Wartburg was a Swedish two-man pop group consisting of Heinz Klinger and Rolf Kempinski, named after the Wartburg car brand of the manufacturer Industrieverband Fahrzeugbau (IFA) in the GDR .

Her songs oscillate between hit , swing and jazz influences . The lyrics of her songs make use of a typical GDR vocabulary, but their message is apolitical to playful and meaningless. Typical titles are Mrs. Gorbacheva dances Bossanova , It's not so bad on the island of Crimea , or agricultural science in the service of socialism . The songs are in German.

In 1998 IFA Wartburg published their only CD to date with the title In the service of socialism . The release of the album was followed by a tour through Germany and Switzerland , during which they were accompanied by a big band made up of Swedish music students. In addition to the CD, it was also published as a picture disk with a portrait of Erich Honecker and Queen Silvia of Sweden .

In 1999 the band broke up.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Tour announcement on intro.de
  2. ^ Daniel Erk: IFA Wartburg: We called it »Russian Pop«. June 6, 2017. Retrieved June 22, 2017 .