Ian Hogbin

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Herbert Ian Priestly Hogbin , actually Herbert William Hogbin (born December 17, 1904 in Bawtry , Yorkshire , † August 1, 1989 in Sydney ) was an Australian anthropologist of British origin.

life and work

Hogbin studied a. a. with Alfred Radcliffe-Brown at the University of Sydney . He carried out field work in the Solomon Islands and New Guinea .

Fonts (selection)

  • Law and Order in Polynesia. A Study of Primitive Legal Institution . Cooper Square Publ., New York 1972, ISBN 0-8154-0435-2 (reprint of the London 1934 edition, with an introduction by Bronisław Malinowski .)
  • Development and Welfare in the Western Pacific (Australia in a new world; Vol. 1). Australian Institute of international affairs, Sydney 1944 (together with Camilla H. Wedgwood).
  • Transformation scene. The changing culture of a New Guinea village (The Sociology of Development; Vol. 18). Routledge, London 1998 (reprint of the London 1951 edition).
  • Social change. Josiah Mason Lectures, delivered at the University of Birmingham . Watts, London 1958.
  • A Guadalcanal Society. The Kaoka Speakers (Case studies in cultural anthropology). Holt, Rhinehart & Winston, New York 1964.
  • The Island of Menstruating Men. Religion in Wogeo , New Guinea . Chandler Press, Scranton 1970, ISBN 0-8102-0386-3 .
  • The leaders and the led. Social control in Wogeo, New Guinea . Melbourne University Press, Carlton, Vic. 1978, ISBN 0-5228-4138-4 .
  • Experiments in civilization. The effects of European culture on a native community of the Solomon islands . Schocken Books, New York 1970 (EA Routledge Kegan Paul, London 1969).


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