Ibn Madscha

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Ibn Madscha ( Arabic ابن ماجة, DMG Ibn Māǧa ), completeأبو عبد الله محمد بن يزيد بن ماجة الربعي القزويني / Abū ʿAbdallāh Muḥammad b. Yazīd b. Māǧa ar-Rabʿī al-Qazwīnī (* 824 in Persian Qazvin ; † 887 ), was an Islamic scholar, writer and collector of hadiths (traditions about the Prophet Mohammed).

At the age of 22 he left his hometown and traveled through large parts of the then Islamic world. In doing so, he collected all information available to him about the prophet Mohammed. After his trip, he gathered students and wrote several books. His most important work is the book Kitāb as-sunan . It belongs to the "Six Books" ( al-Kutub as-sitta ) of the Sunnah ( tradition ), collections of traditions about the Prophet Mohammed. Ibn Madscha records 4,341 so-called hadiths in his work . Of these, 3,002 can also be found in the other five books of the Sunnah. 1,339 hadiths are only recorded with him, 428 of them are considered authentic, the rest are not verified.


  • Kitāb as-sunan ("Book of Tradition")
  • Kitāb at-Tafsīr (“Commentary on the Koran”), not received
  • Kitāb at-Tārīḫ , not received