Ignacio Altamira

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Ignacio Altamira (* 1860 - May 19, 1906 in Beijing ) was a Mexican ambassador .


The Colonel General of the Pioneers Ignacio Altamira was from 1899 to 1900 under the ambassador Mauricio Wollheim and the embassy secretary third class, Rodrigo Azpíroz, military attaché at the embassy in Tokyo, 24 Zaimoku-Cho-Azabú. There he was accepted into the Order of the Holy Treasure with the Third Class Cross and died of typhus .

predecessor Office successor
Carlos Américo Lera Mexican Chargé d'affaires in Beijing
Pablo Herrera de Huerta

Individual evidence

  1. Fallece en Pekín a causa de fiebre tifoidea; Beijing, May 20 de 1906: Ayer en la tarde falleció el Señor Coronel Ignacio Altamira boletín oficial DE LA SECKETARIA DE RELACIONES EXTERIORES, [1]