Ihering's shrew pouch rat

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Ihering's shrew pouch rat
Class : Mammals (mammalia)
Subclass : Marsupials (Marsupialia)
Order : Opossum-like (Didelphimorphia)
Family : Opossum rats (Didelphidae)
Genre : Shrew pouch rats ( Monodelphis )
Type : Ihering's shrew pouch rat
Scientific name
Monodelphis iheringi
( Thomas , 1888)

Ihering's shrew rat ( Monodelphis iheringi , synonym : Didelphys iheringi ) occurs near the coast in southeastern Brazil. The distribution area extends from Espírito Santo in the north to Rio Grande do Sul in the south. The species was named after Hermann von Ihering , a German doctor and zoologist who worked as an explorer for the Brazilian National Museum in Rio de Janeiro and who set up the Paulistani State Museum ( Museu Paulista ) in São Paulo .

The range of Ihering's shrew pouch rat


Ihering's shrew pouch rat has a head body length of 7.5 to 10 cm and a 5.3 to 6 cm long tail and weighs 15 to 23 g. The back fur of the animals is gray-brown and becomes slightly reddish towards the sides of the body. Three noticeable dark brown stripes run down the back. The middle one begins above the ears, the side on the shoulders. All three end at the base of the tail. Dark circles are missing. The peritoneum is gray-orange. The tail is hairy only at the base. Like probably all shrew pouch rats, the females do not have a pouch. The number of teats is unknown. The karyotype of Ihering's shrew pouch rat is unknown.

Way of life

Ihering's shrew pouch rat lives in the Mata Atlântica , Brazil's coastal rainforest. So far nothing is known about the behavior, nutrition and activity patterns of the animals. During a two-year study, young animals were only found at the end of the rainy season or the beginning of the dry season in the months of January to May. No individual caught in the first year of investigation was recaptured the following year. That could mean that the animals reproduce only once in their life. However, the number of catches was too small to make reliable statements.


The IUCN does not specify a degree of risk for Ihering's shrew pouch rat because too little data is available for this.

supporting documents

  1. a b c Diego Astúa: Family Didelphidae (Opossums). in Don E. Wilson , Russell A. Mittermeier : Handbook of the Mammals of the World - Volume 5. Monotremes and Marsupials. Lynx Editions, 2015, ISBN 978-84-96553-99-6 . Page 153.
  2. Monodelphis iheringi in the endangered Red List species the IUCN 2016 Posted by: Pavan, S., 2016. Accessed January 19, 2020th