Ilya Lvovich Maiselis

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Ilja Lvovich Maiselis , Russian Илья Львович Майзелис , English transcription Ilya Lvovich Maizelis (born December 27 or 28 , 1894 in Uman (now Ukraine); † December 23, 1978 in Moscow ) was a Soviet chess player, chess theorist and historian .


From 1925 to 1930 Maiselis was a member of the editorial board of the magazine 64. Schaschki i schachmaty w rabotschem klube . From 1943 to 1946 he was the editor-in-chief of the Sovetskaya schachmatnaja chronika , which was published in Moscow in English.

Maiselis spoke fluent German and translated several German chess books into Russian. He also brought out a chess textbook for young people and books about endgames , especially pawn endgames and rook endgames . He was a friend and companion of Yuri Awerbach , with whom he contributed to the book series Comprehensive Chess Endings .

For contributions to Maiselis endgames , see the articles of evacuation and circumvention .

Maiselis was of Jewish faith.

Chess player

Best tournament results:

  • 1924 City tournament, B group 1st - 2nd place
  • 1932 Moscow Championship 4th place


  • 1926–1928 Translation into Russian My System by Aaron Nimzowitsch
  • 1928 Translation into Russian textbook of the game of chess by world chess champion Emanuel Lasker
  • 1928 Translation into Russian theory and practice of the endgames by Johann Berger
  • 1973 Translation into Russian How Viktor became a chess master by Emanuel Lasker


  • Natschinajuschtschi chessmatist. Moskva - Leningrad, 1937
  • (Co-author) Schachmatny jeshegodnik. Volumes I and II, Moskva - Leningrad, 1937–1938
  • (Co-author) Osnowy debjutnoj strategii. Dlya Shakhmatistov 4-ji 3-j lategoriy. Moscow River, 1940
  • Izbrannyje partii sovjetskich i meshdunarodnych turnirow 1946 g. Moskva - Leningrad, 1949
  • (Co-author) Uchebnik schachmatnoj igry. 3. Isdaniye, Moskva, 1950
  • Ladja protiv peschek. K teorii ladejnogo endspilja. Moskva, 1956
  • (Co-author) Sakhmatnye okonchanija. Peschechnye, slonovye, konevye, pod redakzii Ju. Awerbacha. Moskva, 1956
  • Shachmaty. Osnowy teorii. 2 isd., Moskva, 1960
    • The Soviet Chess Primer . Quality Chess, Glasgow, 2014, ISBN 978-1-907982-99-6 . (Translation of a large part of Shachmaty. Osnowy teorii. )

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