Illo Gutschwager

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Illo Gutsch Wager (* 12. August 1911 in Berlin , Germany ; † after 1968) was a German film actor and manager .


The son of the theater actor Arthur Gutschwager came to the then silent film through his father in 1918. Early child roles are documented around 1926. Since the dawn of the sound film era, Gutschwager has been involved in a wide variety of entertainment productions with small and small roles. Sometimes he was employed as an apprentice ( delicatessen ), newspaper seller ( seven slaps ), newcomer page ( The Page from the Dalmassehotel ) or as a piccolo ( flax man as an educator ), sometimes as a small seller ( attack on Schweda ), taxi driver ( Togger ), fisherman ( Das Girl from Fanö ), waiter ( Buchholz family ) or as a stage worker (his last film role for a long time in Long Live Love ).

At the end of the war, Gutschwager ended his little attention-getting role as an actor and from then on found some employment as a production manager for German cinema and television films. For the last time, Illo Gutschwager, who lived in Berlin-Steglitz after the war, was seen again in front of the camera in 1968 with a tiny role in the comedy Der Partyphotograph . After that his track is lost.


as an actor, unless otherwise stated

Web links


  • Johann Caspar Glenzdorf: Glenzdorf's international film lexicon. Biographical manual for the entire film industry. Volume 1: A-Heck. Prominent-Filmverlag, Bad Münder 1960, DNB 451560736 , p. 565.