Walter F. Fichelscher

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Walter F. Fichelscher (born December 25, 1896 - † August 28, 1985 ) was a German screenwriter , director and dramaturge .


Fichelscher had attended the Reichersche drama school and then, from 1920 to 1922, worked as a director and dramaturge at the Potsdam City Theater. At this time he made his first contact with film when he was assistant director on Ernst Lubitsch's Die Bergkatze in 1921 . Then Fichelscher went to the Berlin theaters, where he continued his directorial and dramaturgical work in the stands, the Volksbühne, the Großer Schauspielhaus and the Lessing Theater.

In 1934 Walter Fichelscher returned to film and was hired as a dramaturge by the production company Tobis-Tonbild-Syndikat until the end of the war in 1945. During this time he wrote two scripts, including the one for the popular Hans Moser comedy “ Das Ekel ” (1939). There Fichelscher also took over the production management. It was only after the war that Fichelscher, who lives in Berlin-Wilmersdorf , devoted himself to script work, starting with a draft of the script submitted at the beginning of 1951 for the planned DEFA production " Schatten (The Spy) ", which, however, never went into production. Instead, Fichelscher took part in manuscripts on genres common in German film at the time: dramas and melodramas, homeland films and comedies.

Fichelscher has also written for (music) theater, for example the musical comedy “ Three Pairs of Shoes ”. He also maintained a lively correspondence with artists such as Ferdinand Gregori and Karl Christian Müller .


as screenwriter (complete)


  • Johann Caspar Glenzdorf: Glenzdorf's international film lexicon. Biographical manual for the entire film industry. Volume 1: A-Heck. Prominent-Filmverlag, Bad Münder 1960, DNB 451560736 , p. 400.

Individual evidence

  1. "Shadow (The Spy)" on
  2. ^ "Three pairs of shoes" on
  3. ^ Letter from Ferdinand Gregori to Walter F. Fichelscher  on kalliope-verbund
  4. ^ Letter from Karl Christian Müller to Walter F. Fichelscher  on

Web links