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Ilse Orth born Pellmann (born January 11, 1936 in Berlin ) is a German psychotherapist, body therapist and leading protagonist in the field of art therapy , therapy with creative media as well as poetry and bibliotherapy . She is a co-founder of Integrative Therapy and Intermedial Art Therapy.

Life and academic career

Ilse Orth was an exchange student in the USA in 1953. In Heidelberg, Vienna, Paris and Bonn she completed a degree in German, English, philosophy and pedagogy, a. a. with Hans-Georg Gadamer , Karl Löwith and Benno von Wiese . She focused on rhetoric, drama (own theater work) and women's literature. For her state examination in 1960 she wrote a thesis on George Eliot . In 1996 she completed a postgraduate course in supervision at the Free University of Amsterdam as a certified supervisor. She completed her studies in psychotherapy in 2007 at the Danube University Krems with a Master of Science.
From 1961 she completed psychotherapy training at the "existential psychological training and meeting center" in Todtmos-Rütte as a student of Karlfried Graf Dürckheim , the body therapy with Marianne Müller, the Jungian analysis with Maria Hippius Countess Dürckheim and worked there from 1972. Ilse Orth works in psychotherapy, body therapy, art therapy and supervisory in her own practice. This was followed by further training in experimental therapy and Gestalt therapy, u. a. with Udo Derbolowsky , Ruth Cohn and John Brinley. From 1972 onwards, Hilarion Petzold started training in movement therapy and psychotherapy at the Fritz Perls Institute (FPI) in Düsseldorf, where she graduated as an integrative psychotherapist. Ilse Orth has worked at the FPI since 1976, became a teaching therapist and took part in the supervision training from 1978 to 1982, which she completed as a teaching supervisor (DGSv). During this time (1976–1979), he also trained in body psychotherapy with Malcolm Brown. In 1982, Ilse Orth took over the management of the training course for “Art Psychotherapy and Therapeutic Work with Creative Media” founded in 1972 by Johanna Sieper and Katharina Martin at the “Fritz Perls Institute” and since 1992 has been head of the “Art and Creativity Therapy” department at the “European Academy” for Biopsychosocial Health “(EAG), state-recognized training academy in Hückeswagen am Beversee, where she has been a member of the management committee since then. Since the mid-1970s with Hilarion Petzold and Irma Petzold-Heinz - pioneers in biography work, writing workshops and narrative projects - she had carried out further training courses in therapeutic work with writing and texts and treated patients with these approaches in her practice, she became director of the first in 1984 German-language training for poetry and bibliotherapy and with Petzold a. a. Co-founder of the "German Society for Poetry and Bibliotherapy" (DGPB), in which she was a member of the board for many years. She was also a long-time board member of the "German Society for Art Therapy" (DGKT), which she co-founded in 1985. With Hilarion Petzold she organized the first German-speaking conferences and congresses in the field of artistic forms of therapy. Ilse Orth took on international seminar and teaching activities in the field of psychotherapy, poetry and bibliotherapy, art therapy, movement therapy, supervision at various institutions and universities (Amsterdam, Krems).

Important contributions to integrative therapy

Ilse Orth made important contributions to the development of integrative therapy, its methods and praxeology. She was one of the first to systematically include “creative media” in psychotherapeutic work and, together with Hilarion Petzold and Johanna Sieper, developed “integrative and intermedial art therapy” (ICT) and “integrative poetry and bibliotherapy” (IPBT) in training curricula implemented, taught and introduced creative methods in supervision. Her approach is - according to her studies - committed to an “artistic and philosophical therapeutics”. The starting point was a phenomenological-depth-hermeneutic ( Paul Ricœur ) and socially critical “anthropology of creative man”. It is based on the “total sense organ of the body” ( Maurice Merleau-Ponty ), which must be viewed in a gender-sensitive manner. He has diverse faculties of perception, each of which corresponds to a faculty of expression. Both are often restricted in patients - according to Orth's disease concept - by the "domestication of the body" and "multiple alienation" and have to be "restituted" in therapy: The perception of the audition leads to the ability to express (speech / song / dramatic play) and opens up the treatment path of therapeutic vocal work, drama therapy, via the kinesthetic senses to movement and dance, to therapeutic movement work, dance therapy or via the visual sense to visual design and therapeutic work with shapes, colors, sound, materials, etc. The "modalities" are conflict-centered- Revealing, exercise-centered and functional or experience-centered and stimulating. Orth, Petzold and Sieper inaugurated the terms and methodology of “creative media”, “intermediality” and “multimodality”, as was already practiced in the temple hospitals of Asklepios. It is consistently found in children and makes it possible to address specific milieus in developmental psychology. B. with finger colors, sound, movement the early area of ​​the "sensorimotor phase", with poetry therapy the "language-sensitive phase", with drama techniques the "role play sensitive phase" - always in the polyphony ( Michael M. Bachtin ) of social networks. In exchange and joint development work, concepts and methodologies such as "narrative practice", "dense descriptions", "integrative biography work" were inaugurated and tested for integrative therapy. Orth - as a Germanist and psychotherapist - always interweaves verbality and nonverbality, body and language in her metamorphosis model. Impression / impulse leads to perception / experience, this leads to cerebral processing / hermeneutic interpretation, this leads to expression / action, a “polylog” of “you, me, we in context and continuum”. The goals of such procedural therapy are the elimination of symptoms, personal development, cultural work and the like. a. through the "healing power of aesthetic experience", an "aesthetics of existence" and "art of living" ( Michel Foucault ), in which the "self is an artist and a work of art" (Hilarion Petzold), "integration" and "personal sovereignty" and trauma experiences to be overcome. The characteristic of ICT: changes, “transgressions” in the concrete “everyday life as an exercise” ( Karlfried Graf Dürckheim ) and in the “social creative space ” ( Augusto Boal ) are made possible beyond symbolic mythologizations. Orth developed with Petzold and Sieper a differentiated projective / semi-projective diagnostics with “creative media” and an actional, intermedia therapeutic approach, which based on “bodily feeling” ( Hermann Schmitz ), uses “movement produced information” for one's own thinking, feeling, wanting and to perceive actions in the “social space”, to interpret them jointly in linguistic and non-linguistic hermeneutics and to shape them to be effective for change. Because: "Every person is an artist" ( Joseph Beuys ) and therefore successful social situations for Ilse Orth are the result of "social designs" that focus on humane togetherness, on "conviviality" ( Jacques Derrida ) and in processes of "integration as a life's work" aim at the "personal sovereignty of the subject". According to Orth, Petzold and Sieper, ICT ties in with the socio-philosophical and power-theoretical “culture-critical task of art”. Therefore, in addition to “active art therapy” (painting, writing, acting), they have also developed forms of “receptive art therapy” (viewing art, bibliotherapy, theater visits) and cultural and political project work.



  • Integration as a personal life task. In: Petzold, HG, Sieper, J. (1993) Integration and Creation. Models and concepts of integrative therapy, agogics and work with creative media. 2 vols., Paderborn: Junfermann. 2nd ed. 1996. pp. 371-384.
  • The domesticated body. The treatment of damaged corporeality in integrative therapy. Gestalt (Switzerland) 21, 22–36.
  • Unconscious in therapeutic work with artistic methods and creative media. Considerations from the perspective of integrative and intermedia art therapy. In: Integrativeherapie 4, pp. 312–339 and in: Kunst & Therapy 2/3, 1994, pp. 13–52.
  • Female identity and corporeality - processes of “convivial” change and development - considerations for practice. In: Petzold, HG, Orth, I. Sieper, J. (2010a): Conscience work, wisdom therapy, spiritual life - topics and values ​​of modern psychotherapy. Vienna: Krammer. Pp. 245-278.
  • Creative Processes and Creative Media in Integrative Supervision. Inspiring moments in supervision. In: Supervision 15/2011 Ausgabe/15-2011-orth-ilse-creative-processes-and-creative-media-in-integrative-supervision.html
  • with Petzold, HG (1988a): Methodical aspects of integrative movement therapy in the field of supervision. Motorik, magazine for motopedagogy and mototherapy. Pp. 44-56.
  • with Petzold, HG: Metamorphoses - Processes of Change in Intermediate Work in Integrative Therapy. In: Petzold, Orth (1990a) Vol. II, pp. 721-774 and in: Integrativeherapie 1/2, pp. 53-93.
  • with Petzold, HG: Body images in integrative therapy - representations of the phantasmatic body through "body charts" as a technique of projective diagnostics and creative therapy. In: Integrative Therapy 1, pp. 117–146.
  • with Petzold, HG: Anthropology of the creative man. In: Petzold, Sieper (1993) pp. 93-116.
  • with Petzold, HG: Group process analysis - a heuristic model for integrative work in and with groups. In: Integrative Therapy 2. pp. 197–212. Also in:
  • Petzold, HG: Healing Movement - The Perspective of Integrative Body and Movement Therapy. In: Illi, U, Breithecker, D, Mundigler, S (Ed.): Moving School. Healthy school. Zurich: International Forum for Movement (IFB), pp. 183–199.
  • with Petzold, HG: Integrative Therapy: The “biopsychosocial” model of critical human therapy. Integrative Therapy 2/3, pp. 131–144.
  • with Petzold HG (2008): Body and Language. On the poiesis of integrative and creative psychotherapy - On the healing power of "poetry therapy" and "creative media". Integrative Therapy 1, pp. 99-132. .html
  • with Petzold, HG: art therapy. In: Stumm, G. (2011): Psychotherapy. Schools and Methods. Vienna: Falter, pp. 375-380.
  • with Petzold, HG, Moser, S. (2012): Euthyme Therapy - the art of healing and health promotion in the asklepiadic tradition: an integrative and behavioral treatment approach of “multiple stimulation” and “lifestyle change”. In: Psychological Medicine, Issue 3, pp. 18–36 and 4, pp. 42–59 and in: Textarchiv 2012 moser-orth-2012-euthyme-therapy-healing-art-asklepiadic-tradition-integrative-behavioral.pdf
  • with Petzold HG (1985) (Ed.): Poetry and Therapy. About the healing power of language. Poetry therapy, bibliotherapy, literary workshops, 3rd edition 1999. Paderborn: Junfermann. 4th ed. Bielefeld: Aisthesis.
  • with Petzold, HG: Integrative art psychotherapy and work with “creative media” at the European Academy for Psychosocial Health. In: Petzold, Sieper (1993). Pp. 559-574.
  • with Petzold, HG: Therapy diaries, life panoramas, health / illness panoramas as instruments of symbolization, career-related patient work and training analysis in integrative therapy. In: Integrative Therapy 1/2 (1993) pp. 95-153.
  • with Petzold, HG: La thérapie intégrative du corps et du mouvement. In: Meyer, R., Liénard, G., (1993): Les somatothérapies. Historique - Classification - Presentation. Paris: Simep. Pp. 89-129.
  • with Petzold, HG (1994/2012): Creative personality diagnostics using “media-supported techniques” in integrative therapy and counseling. Integrative Therapy 4 (1994) pp. 340-391. Ausgabe/03-2012-petzold-h-orth-i-1994a-kreative-persoenlichkeitsdiagnostik-durch-mediengestuetzt.html
  • with Petzold, HG: The "Leaning Tower" does not fall - salutogenetic work with neuromentalization and creative media in integrative therapy. In: Petzold, HG, Sieper, J. (2008a): The will, the neurosciences and psychotherapy. 2 vols. Bielefeld: Sirius. Pp. 593-653. das-will.html
  • with Petzold, HG: "Gender Integrity" - a new guiding paradigm for supervision and coaching in a variety of contexts. In: Abdul-Hussain, S. (2011): Gender Competent Supervision. With a contribution by Ilse Orth and Hilarion Petzold on “Gender Integrity”. Wiesbaden: Springer VS Verlag. Pp. 195-299.
  • with Petzold, HG: Paths to the “inner place of personal sovereignty” - “sound collegiality” in counseling, coaching, supervision and therapy. In: Supervision 06/2014. Ausgabe/06-2014-petzold-hg-orth-i-1998-2014-wege-zum-inneren-ort-persoenlicher-souveraenitaet.html
  • with Petzold, HG, Sieper, J. (1995a): Quality assurance and didactics in therapeutic education and training. Special edition Gestalt and Integration. Düsseldorf: FPI publications.
  • with Petzold, HG, Sieper, J. (2010): Conscience work, wisdom therapy, spiritual life - topics and values ​​of modern psychotherapy. Vienna: Krammer.
  • with Petzold, HG, Sieper, J. (2014): “Myths, Power and Psychotherapy”. Therapy as a practice of critical cultural work. Bielefeld: Aisthesis.
  • with Petzold, HG, Frambach, L., Hänsel, M. (2014): Altruism between border and demarcation. Espelkamp: German Society for Coaching.
  • with Petzold, HG, Orth-Petzold, S. (2013): Joy in the living and wise dealing with nature. The freshness, strength and wisdom of integrative garden and landscape therapy - nature therapeutic thoughts, "Green Meditation", "Therapeutic Guerilla Gardening". Polyloge 20/2013. Ausgabe/20-2013-petzold-h-orth-petzold-s-orth-i-2013a-freude-am-lebendigen-umgang-mit-natur. html
  • with Sieper, J., Petzold, HG: Why the “concern for integrity” is important to us in integrative therapy - considerations on humanity, human dignity and virtue in psychotherapy. In: Petzold, HG, Orth, I. Sieper, J. (2010a): Conscience work, wisdom therapy, spiritual life - topics and values ​​of modern psychotherapy. Vienna: Krammer. Pp. 367-460.
  • with Sieper, J., Schuch, HW (2007) (ed.): New ways of integrative therapy. Clinical science, human therapy, cultural work - Polyloge - 40 years of integrative therapy, 25 years of EAG - commemorative publication for Hilarion G. Petzold. Bielefeld: Edition Sirius, Aisthesis Verlag.

Literature on biography and work

  • Goßmann, I. (1993): Poetry and bibliotherapy at the "Fritz Perls Institute" and at the "European Academy for Psychosocial Health". In: Petzold, HG, Sieper, J (1993) Integration and Creation. Models and concepts of integrative therapy, agogics and work with creative media. 2 vols., Paderborn: Junfermann. 2nd ed. 1996. pp. 581-587.
  • Nitsch-Berg, H :, Kühn, H. (2001): Creative media and the search for identity. Methods of integrative therapy and gestalt education for psychosocial fields of practice. Cologne: Edition Humanistic Psychology.
  • Petzold, HG, Sieper, J. (1993): Integration and Creation. Models and concepts of integrative therapy. Agogic and working with creative media. 2 vols. Paderborn: Junfermann. 2nd edition 1996.
  • Sieper, J. (2005): Keyword: Orth, Ilse. In: Stumm, G. et al. (2005): Personal Lexicon of Psychotherapy. Vienna: Springer.

References and comments

  1. ^ Orth, I. (1960): George Eliot's conception of the woman, shown at three characters in Middlemarch. Bonn 2014 (Hückeswagen, FPI publications)
  2. Petzold, HG, Orth, I. (1993): Integrative art psychotherapy and work with "creative media" at the European Academy for Psychosocial Health. In: Petzold, HG, Sieper, J. (1993a). Pp. 559-574
  3. "European Academy for Biopsychosocial Health"
  4. ^ "German Society for Poetry and Bibliotherapy"
  5. "German Society for Art Therapy"
  6. Orth, I., Petzold, HG (2000): Integrative Therapy: The “biopsychosocial” model of critical human therapy. Integrative therapy 2/3. Pp. 131-144; Orth, I., Petzold, HG (2004): Theory work, praxeology and “basic therapeutic rule”. On the transversal use of theory, creative media and methodical and “sensual reflexivity” in integrative therapy with addicts. In: Petzold, HG, Schay, P., Ebert, W. (2004): Integrative Addiction Therapy: Theory, Methods, Practice, Research. Wiesbaden: Publishing house for social sciences. Vol. IS 133-161. Ausgabe/04-2004-orth-i-petzold-hg-theoriarbeit-praxeologie-und-therapeutische-grundregel.html ; Petzold, HG, Orth, I., Sieper, J. (2006): Epistemological, developmental, neurobiological and agogic positions of "integrative therapy" as "developmental therapy". In: Petzold, HG, Schay, P., Scheiblich, W. (2006): Integrative Suchtarbeit. Wiesbaden: Publishing house for social sciences. Pp. 627-713. ; Sieper, J., Orth, I., Schuch, HW (2007) (Ed.): New ways of integrative therapy. Clinical science, human therapy, cultural work - Polyloge - 40 years of integrative therapy, 25 years of EAG - commemorative publication for Hilarion G. Petzold. Bielefeld: Edition Sirius, Aisthesis Verlag.
  7. ^ Orth, I., Petzold, HG (2011): Art Therapy. In: Stumm, G., Psychotherapy. Schools and Methods. Vienna: Falter, pp. 375-380; Petzold, HG, Orth, I. (1990/2007): The new creativity therapies. Handbook of art therapy, 2 volumes, Paderborn: Junfermann. 3rd edition Bielefeld: Aisthesis 2007.
  8. ^ Petzold, HG, Orth, I. (1985): Thoughts on the independence of art therapeutic media. Training in poetry and bibliotherapy. In: Petzold H. G, Orth, I., (1985) (Ed.): Poetry and Therapy. About the healing power of language. Poetry therapy, bibliotherapy, literary workshops, 3rd edition 1999. Paderborn: Junfermann. 4th ed. Bielefeld: Aisthesis. Pp. 413-431; Petzold, HG, Frohne, I., Orth, I. (1983): Poetry and Music Therapy, Paderborn: Junfermann. Petzold, HG, Orth, I., Sieper, J. (1995): Curricular structured psychotherapy training. Considerations for the structured teaching of psychotherapeutic competence and performance. In: Petzold, Orth, Sieper (1995): pp. 12-29
  9. Orth, I. Petzold, HG (1988a): Methodical aspects of integrative movement therapy in the field of supervision. Motorik, magazine for motopedagogy and mototherapy. Pp. 44-56
  10. Orth, I., Petzold, HG (1993): On the “Anthropology of creative people”. In: Petzold, HG, Sieper, J. (1993a): Integration und Kreation, 2 vol., Paderborn: Junfermann. Pp. 93-116.
  11. ^ Orth, I. (2007): Gender perspectives. In: Sieper, Orth, Schuch (2007) pp. 401–405, pp. 446–447; Orth, I. (2010): Female identity and corporeality - processes of “convivial” change and development. Practical considerations. In: Petzold, HG, Orth, I. Sieper, J. (2010a): Conscience work, wisdom therapy, spiritual life - topics and values ​​of modern psychotherapy. Vienna: Krammer. Pp. 245-278; Petzold, HG, Orth, I, (2011): "Gender Integrity" - a new guiding paradigm for supervision and coaching in a variety of contexts. In: Abdul-Hussain, S. (2011): Gender Competent Supervision. With a contribution by Ilse Orth and Hilarion Petzold on “Gender Integrity”. Wiesbaden: Springer VS Verlag. Pp. 195-299.
  12. Orth, I. (1994): The “domesticated body”. The treatment of damaged corporeality in integrative therapy, Gestalt (Switzerland) 21; Pp. 22-36.
  13. Petzold, HG (1987): Art therapy and work with creative media - ways against “multiple alienation” in a reifying world. In: Richter, K. (Ed.): Psychotherapy and social cultural work - an unholy alliance? Series of publications by the Institute for Education and Culture, Vol. 9, Remscheid. Pp. 38-95.
  14. Petzold, HG, Brühlmann-Jecklin, E., Orth, I., Sieper, J. (2007): "Integrative methods" and "multimodal" - cocreative strategies in the confluence processes of "integrative therapy". About the history and meaning of the terms. Membership newsletter of the German Society for Integrative Therapy 2, pp. 24–36 and Polyloge 33/2008.
  15. Petzold, HG, Moser, S., Orth, I. (2012): Euthyme Therapy - the art of healing and health promotion in the asklepiadic tradition: an integrative and behavioral treatment approach of "multiple stimulation" and "lifestyle change". In: Psychological Medicine, Issue 3, pp. 18–36 and 4, pp. 42–59 - 2012-euthyme-therapie-heilkunst-asklepiadische-tradition-integrativ-behavioral.pdf ; Petzold, HG, Sieper, J. (1990b): The new - old - creativity therapies. Marginalia on psychotherapy with creative media. In: Petzold, HG, Orth, I. (1990a): The new creativity therapies. Handbook of art therapy, 2 volumes, Junfermann, Paderborn. Vol. II, pp. 519-548. 3rd edition Bielefeld: Aisthesis 2007.
  16. Petzold, HG, Müller, L. (2004a): Biography work with old people - working out and sharing biographical experience. In: Petzold, HG (2004a): Working with old people. Extended and revised new edition from 1985a in two volumes. Vol. I: Concepts and methods of social gerontological practice. Munich: Pfeiffer, Klett-Cotta. Pp. 249-262. ; Petzold, HG (2003 g): Telling life stories. Biography work, narrative therapy, identity. Paderborn: Junfermann; Orth I., Petzold HG (2008): Body and Language. On the poiesis of integrative and creative psychotherapy - On the healing power of "poetry therapy" and "creative media". Integrative Therapy 1, pp. 99-132. .html
  17. ^ Orth, I. (2009): Body - Language - Memory - Contextualization. In: Polyloge 11/2009.
  18. Orth, I., Petzold, HG (1990): Metamorphoses - Processes of Change in Intermediate Work in Integrative Therapy. In: Petzold, HG, Orth, I., (1990): The new creativity therapies. Handbook of Art Therapy, 2 volumes, Paderborn: Junfermann; 3rd edition 2002: Bielefeld: Edition Sirius, Aisthesis Verlag pp. 721–773.
  19. ^ Foucault, M. (2007): Aesthetics of Existence. Ed. V. D. Defert, F. Ewald. Frankfurt / M .: Suhrkamp.
  20. Petzold, HG (2004): The self as an artist and as a work of art - receptive art therapy and the healing power of “aesthetic experience”. In: Integrative Therapy 3/2004. Pp. 267-299.
  21. ^ Dürckheim, K. v. (1964): Everyday life as an exercise, Bern: Huber.
  22. Petzold, HG, Orth, I., Sieper, J. (2014a): "Myths, Power and Psychotherapy". Therapy as a practice of critical cultural work. Bielefeld: Aisthesis.
  23. Petzold, HG, Orth, I. (1994a / 2012): Creative personality diagnostics using “media-supported techniques” in integrative therapy and counseling. Integrative Therapy 4 (1994) pp. 340-391. Ausgabe/03-2012-petzold-h-orth-i-1994a-kreative-persoenlichkeitsdiagnostik-durch-mediengestuetzt.html
  24. Petzold, HG, Orth, I. (1994c): Integrative art therapy - a creative approach to cultural work and patient treatment. In: Faust, J., Marburg, F. (1994) (Ed.): On the universality of the creative. Münster: Lit Verlag. Pp. 196-215.
  25. Cf. Petzold, HG (2002j): The body subject as an “informed body” - embodied and embedded. Body memory and performative synchronizations. Düsseldorf / Hückeswagen. Ausgabe/07-2002-petzold-hg-der-informierte-leib.html and in Petzold, HG (2003a): Integrative Therapy. Paderborn: Junfermann, Vol. III, pp. 1051-1092.
  26. Petzold, HG, Orth, I. (2008): The "Leaning Tower" does not fall - salutogenic work with neuromentalizations and creative media in integrative therapy. In: Petzold, HG, Sieper, J. (2008a): The will, the neurosciences and psychotherapy. 2 vol. Bielefeld: Sirius, pp. 593–653. das-will.html
  27. Beuys, J. (1990): “Art is therapy” and “Everyone is an artist”. In: Petzold, HG, Orth, I., 1990a. The new creativity therapies. Handbook of Art Therapy, 2 volumes, Paderborn: Junfermann; 3rd edition 2002: Bielefeld: Edition Sirius, Aisthesis Verlag. Pp. 33-40.
  28. Derrida, J. (2000): Politics of friendship. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp; Orth, I. (2010): Female identity and corporeality - processes of “convivial” change and development - considerations for practice. In: Petzold, HG, Orth, I. Sieper, J. (2010a): Conscience work, wisdom therapy, spiritual life - topics and values ​​of modern psychotherapy. Vienna: Krammer. Pp. 245-278.
  29. Petzold, HG, Orth, I. (2014): Paths to the “Inner Place of Personal Sovereignty” - “Well-founded collegiality” in advice, coaching, supervision and therapy. In: Supervision. 6/2014. Ausgabe/06-2014-petzold-hg-orth-i-1998-2014-wege-zum-inneren-ort-persoenlicher-souveraenitaet.html and Orth, I., Integration as a personal life task. In: Petzold, Sieper (1993a) pp. 371-384.
  30. Orth, I., Petzold, HG, Sieper, J. (1995): Ideologeme der Macht in der Psychotherapie - reflections on problems and suggestions for alternative forms of practice. In: Petzold, HG, Orth, I., Sieper, J. (1995a) (Ed.): Quality assurance and didactics in therapeutic training and further education. Special edition Gestalt and Integration. Düsseldorf: FPI publications. Pp. 119-179. Ext. In: Petzold, HG, Orth, I., Sieper, J. (2014): “Myths, Power and Psychotherapy”. Therapy as a practice of critical cultural work. Bielefeld: Aisthesis. Pp. 269-334.
  31. ^ Petzold, HG, Orth, I., Sieper, J. (2013a): Manifesto of Integrative Cultural Work 2013. In: Polyloge. 24/2013. and in: Petzold, Orth, Sieper (2014): “Myths, Power and Psychotherapy”. Therapy as a practice of critical cultural work. Bielefeld: Aisthesis. Pp. 671-688.
  32. ↑ Office of the Federal President