Immaculate Sisters of the Seraph Apostolate
The Immaculate Sisters of the Seraph Apostolate (ISA) are a Roman Catholic religious order . They were founded in 1933 by Maria Theresia Hecht . Her mother monastery, the Brandenburg Monastery , is located in Regglisweiler near Ulm in the Alb-Donau district . The community is under episcopal law and mainly in the diocese of Rottenburg-Stuttgart .
The foundation of the religious order goes back to the Franciscan Father Rochus Schamoni , who made a vow to found a convent in honor of the Immaculate Conception . In order to live up to this vow, he bought Brandenburg Castle in Dietenheim-Regglisweiler in 1927. In 1929 Schamoni laid the foundation stone for the future religious community through the election of the superior women, in which Maria Theresia Hecht was elected .
Activities of the religious community
The community of currently almost 50 religious sisters maintains various institutions for the implementation of the religious goals, which are set out in the preamble of the religious institutes :
- "Committed to the spirit of founding, we Immaculate Sisters of the Seraphic Apostolate keep ourselves open to the will of God in the present and future. Like Mary, we want to serve the work of the Savior Jesus Christ and prepare the way for his kingdom, especially in the poor and weak."
All institutions are limited liability companies whose partner is the Theresia-Hecht-Stiftung . This foundation was set up by the monastery to "realize the tasks of Caritas as an expression of life and essence of the Catholic Church through the" service for the poorest of the poor ", with which the founder Mother Theresia Hecht responded to the needs of the time. At the monastery itself The community maintains a retreat and conference center. In 1935, the sisters founded the St.Johann children's home and the St.Christoph special school for mentally and physically handicapped children in Zußdorf . In Haslach they maintain the home for mentally handicapped adults with the St.Konrad workshops , In Heudorf am Bussen the non-profit St. Fidelis Jugendhilfe GmbH with a child and youth welfare home , a school and a regional training center was opened in 1994 in Regglisweiler, the senior nursing home St.Maria .