Impregnation resin

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Impregnation resins are synthetic or natural resins that are used to impregnate porous materials by filling their pore spaces.

Impregnation resins for sintered materials

Impregnating resins for wood

To improve the durability of wood outdoors, formaldehyde-containing synthetic resins such as melamine resin , phenol-formaldehyde resin and urea resin are used today. PMMA resin is also used to change the optical properties and the surface structure.

Impregnating resins in electrical engineering

Also for impregnating inductive windings of generators , electric motors and other electrical coils are impregnating resins such as epoxy resin used. They are used to fix and protect the enamelled copper wire and to improve the insulation .


  1. Carsten Mai: Processes of chemical wood modification at, accessed on November 18, 2015.