Imre Ványai

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Imre Ványai (born November 27, 1904 in Großwardein ; † 1980s there ) was a Transylvanian painter and graphic artist of the modern age .


He worked as a printer and lithographer in the Großwardeiner Typografie Sonnenfeld . In 1932 Ványai took part in the founding meeting of the Asociația Artelor Frumoase ( German : Association of Visual Artists) with Ernő Grünbaum , Alfred Macalik and Jenő Pozsonyi , among others . In the same year his works were exhibited for the first time, which earned him good reviews. In October 1933 he took part in the Young Artists Exhibition (Expozitia tinerilor artişti) in the Weiszlovits Palace in Oradea.

Imre Vanyai also made numerous portraits of well-known personalities.



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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Maria Zintz : Artişti plastici la Oradea 1850-1950 , p. 31, 2009, Muzeul Ţării Crişurilor . ISBN 978-973-7621-15-3
  2. ^ Maria Zintz: Artişti plastici la Oradea 1850-1950 , p. 248, 2009, Muzeul Ţării Crişurilor . ISBN 978-973-7621-15-3