Muzeul Țării Crișurilor

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Muzeul Țării Crișurilor, exterior view of the baroque palace

The Muzeul Țării Crișurilor ( German : Museum of the Kreischgebiets ) is located in Oradea ( Großwardein ) in Romania. It includes a collection of paintings and sculptures with works of art from the Middle Ages to the early 20th century, as well as exhibits from archeology, natural history and ethnology . The museum was founded on January 17, 1971 and moved into the baroque palace Oradea . With the exception of temporary exhibitions, the museum in the Baroque Palace has not been accessible to the public since January 3rd, 2006. A suitable location for the relocation of the museum is still being sought.

" Parfums d'hiver ", 1899, oil on canvas , 186 × 106 cm by Mihail Simonidi


The museum's collection includes 173,341 items from the fields of painting , printmaking , applied arts , sculpture , natural history , archeology and ethnography .


There are 996 paintings in the art collection.

Painting of Romania

This area includes painting from the first half of the 20th century . Particularly noteworthy are the artists Gheorghe Petrașcu , Theodor Pallady , Nicolae Tonitza , Ștefan Dimitrescu , Francisc Șirato , Camil Ressu , Iosif Iser , Jean Al. Steriadi , Marius Bunescu , Vasile Popescu , Aurel Popp , Lucian Grigorescu , Hans Mattis-Teutsch , Mihail Simonidi , Marcel Janco or Victor Brauner . Works by Corneliu Baba , Dimitrie Gheață , Alexandru Ciucurencu , Ion Țuculescu , Magdalena Rădulescu , Horia Damian and Henri Catargi are representative of the second half of the 20th century . The collection also includes works by artists from Oradea such as Alfred Macalik , Nicolae Irimie , Ernő Tibor , Ernő Grünbaum , Alex Leon , Jenő Pozsonyi , István Balogh or Béla Zsigmond .


This collection contains a number of valuable works by Flemish, German, Austrian, French and Italian schools, such as Federico Barocci , Adam Elsheimer , School of Frans Snyders , Peter Veredaelf , Pietro Marchesini , Hans Canon , Carl Moll , Peter Herwegen , Charles-François- Prosper Guérin , Jean-François Raffaëlli and Max Liebermann .

Collection of prints

The Druckgrafisches Kabinett contains 533 graphics from the German, Flemish-Dutch, French, Venetian and Italian schools from the 15th to 18th centuries. Among the artists are famous names such as Albrecht Dürer , Lucas Cranach the Elder , Marcantonio Raimondi , Hans Schäufelin , Hieronymus Cock and other etcher families, including those of Egidius Sadeler the Elder , Pieter de Jode the Elder , Crispin de Passe the Elder and the French: Philippe Thomassin , Jean Morin , Robert Nanteuil or Nicolas de Larmessin . Another focus of the print collection is the graphics of Italy. The Venetian school of the 18th century is represented with the following exponents, among others: Francesco Bartolozzi , Marcus Pitteri , Joseph Wagner , Giovanni Volpato , Pietro Monaco , Fabio Berardi , Giacomo Leonardis , Marco Pelli , Francesco del Pedro and Francesco Ambrosi . Some of the etchers working in Rome are also present in the museum who reproduced Raphael's frescoes from the loggia in the Apostolic Palace: Giuseppe Bossi , Francesco Cecchini , Cunego Aloysio or Giuseppe Antonio Petrini .

Sculpture collection

Romanian sculptor

The Țării Crișurilor Museum has an extensive collection of representative classical and modern sculptors. The permanent exhibition shows works by Dimitrie Paciurea , namely the busts of Henrik Ibsen , Ion Jalea , Cornel Medrea , Militza Petrașcu , Claudia Millian , Ion Irimescu , and Ovidiu Maitec . Oscar Han is represented with the sculpture Women from Caşin (Femei din Caşin) and Iulia Oniță with the work Head of a Student (Cap de studentă) . The museum owns 79 sculptures by Iosif Fekete , one of the most important sculptors of the 20th century in the Romanian-speaking world, 35 of which were donated by the artist.

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