In Nomine Satanis / Magna Veritas

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In In Nomine Satanis / Magna Veritas (INS / MV) is a pen - & - paper role-playing game . In "In Nomine Satanis" the players slip into the role of demons , each under the orders of a demon prince, while in "Magna Veritas" angels are played who serve archangels . In both cases the character takes over a human body and has to be careful not to be discovered by "normal" people.

The game itself

There are four INS / MV editions; the last one was published in June 2003 and contains three sets of rules: a basic set of rules and a set of rules about backgrounds and scenarios . The game is offered by Croc and Mathias Twardowski (although the idea did not come from them, but from an old circle of friends) and published by Siroz . It is the most popular French role-playing game and has been translated into German, Spanish and Polish. There is also an American adaptation called In Nomine, which, however, had to suffer numerous modifications from the original. After 17 years (a proud age for a French role-playing game), the game will be discontinued in November 2006. The German version of INS / MV is from Mario Truant Verlag.

Angel and demon

Usually the player takes control of an angel or demon who takes over a person's body. An angel needs the body of a volunteer, while the demon can only "occupy" the body of a person who has just passed away. The only thing that distinguishes this body from those of "normal" people are the superhuman powers that the angels or demons possess and often some limitations or disadvantageous characteristics, e.g. B. a demon could grow a tail, while an angel is forbidden from any contact with the opposite sex.

Each angel serves one of the twenty or so archangels, while a demon takes orders from one of thirty or so demon princes. Each “superior” equips his servants with special powers, which can influence the appearance of the character. For example, the archangel of the sword, Lorenz, will often equip his angels with fighting and leadership skills. This angel will then have more of a paramilitary look and tend to vote right. On the other hand, Novalis, Arch-Angel of Flowers, will endow his angel with powers that can calm people. This angel is often a hippie who proclaims peace, love and the legalization of cannabis; these differences exist with demons as well. Nevertheless, every angel and every demon is unique and not necessarily tied to the "image" of its superior.

In the first version of the game (1990), there was only one "true religion": Catholicism , defended by the forces of good. Then archangels and demon princes of Islam appeared. It is quite possible that the angels of Islam disagree with those of the Christians.

Angels have divine gifts and demons have demonic powers, e.g. B. Telepathy or a ray of fire. However, these skills should be used with caution; on the one hand, because you have to spend power points for this , and on the other hand, because you are required to keep your true identity secret from people.

Location and history

INS / MV takes place in the world we know. Many events in our history are ascribed in INS / MV to the intrigue of both parties and defined as part of the "Big Game".

The INS / MV universe was established by God several million years ago . Then he created Yves, the first archangel of power, then Paradise and the other angels of power (future archangels and demon princes.) Finally, he created the angels, then he rested.

When the dinosaurs came, God sent the two angels of power, Dominik and Andromalius, to proselytize them and gave birth to a prophet named Denver whose two brothers sacrificed themselves to impress other dinosaurs. However, dinosaurs were too primitive to be converted and so God decided to destroy them to undo this fiasco.

But the first humans fascinated several angels, especially Samael and Lucifer . Lucifer, a very charismatic angel of power, introduced Samael to humans as a free species, with great intelligence potential, whose only weakness was that they were especially fragile. Then Samael had an idea: Angels, who were strong but had no freedom, should reproduce with humans in order to make them more resistant and thus perfect. During a council meeting that gathered all the firstborns, he reported this idea to God, who rejected them with all his might, which shook Samael. It was the first time that God had refused him something.

And so Samael decided, together with other angels who had dedicated themselves to his idea, to go among people without God's support. The Nephilims emerged from the connection with humans . But God did not put up with this and called a second extraordinary meeting. He demanded an apology from Samael, which Samael refused. A war broke out. On the one hand Samael and his followers, on the other God's armed forces. During the battle, God threw Samael down the steps, followed by everyone who had supported him.

And they fell down to the last step. Injured by the fall and the great distance that separated her from the divine power that had once created her, Samael decided to change his name to Satan to mark this new existence. He then created hell and the city of Dis in seven years, where God needed seven days for the universe.

A war began, which continues to this day, where forces of good and evil meet and fight for the conquest of the human soul.

Around 6000 BC God made an experiment. He created the Garden of Eden , a place designed to protect from the dangers and influences of human society, brought in a human couple, and modified their genes to give them powers. He wanted to know how people develop without social influence. But the experiment failed when Satan caused Eve to succumb to temptation. God released the couple again among the people. Adam and Eve's descendants retained a fraction of the strength. These descendants are now called "psis".

The war between heaven and hell was fought quite brutally (sword against sword etc.), but Jesus , an angel of power who has always been God's favorite, incarnated in a baby in the first century to bring the word of God closer to people . But this attempt, which ended with his crucifixion, went down in human history much more successfully than any other attempt before it. This gave God a new idea: one could make the war much more discreet and regulated. The conflict is now called "The Great Game," and the new rules serve the purpose of hiding the existence of angels and demons from humanity; hence the incarnation in human bodies.

This final phase of the “game” goes through several important events. The pagan gods appeared in ancient times , created from the dreams of humans. But the rising success of Christianity, coupled with intense battles between pagans and demons, dealt a heavy blow to paganism, and it has since lost most of its power. At the same time, fairies and dragons, as well as creatures of unknown origin, were exterminated by the Archangel George. For this reason he was "released".

The rise of Islam in the 6th century is portrayed in INS / MV as follows: three powerful angels, Eli, Hassan and Khalid, led by Archangel Gabriel , set out to reform Christianity. Gabriel assumed that God would approve of this, but instead Gabriel disappeared and the three new archangels found themselves in conflict with the Christians, a conflict that culminated in a duel between Khalid and Archangel Lorenz at the Battle of Poitiers . Hell, for its part, infiltrated this religion with two new demon princes, Dajjâl and Majûj.

The atmosphere

According to the authors, INS / MV is designed so that you can play with humor ; this enables the players not to always have to be "politically correct". Part of this humor comes from using real events as the basis for scenarios. What would z. What would happen, for example, if a Christian fanatical angel would react particularly violently to the victory of a transsexual at the “Grand Prix Eurovision de la Chanson”? Or what if a Muslim demon prince specializes in airplane hijacking? Are the greats of this world being manipulated? From one or more sides?

The authors wanted to avoid falling into Manichaeism , and so there are angels who despise humanity and demons who have taken them into their hearts. The various archangels and demon princes cannot agree on how best to pursue good and evil , and internal conflicts on both sides are not uncommon.

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