Indochina glasses langur

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Indochina glasses langur
Trachypithecus phayrei.jpg

Indochinese langur ( Trachypithecus crepusculus )

Superfamily : Tailed Old World Monkey (Cercopithecoidea)
Family : Vervet monkey relatives (Cercopithecidae)
Subfamily : Common monkeys and colobus monkeys (Colobinae)
Sub tribus : Langur (Presbytina)
Genre : Crested langurs ( Trachypithecus )
Type : Indochina glasses langur
Scientific name
Trachypithecus crepusculus
( Elliot , 1909)

The Indochina spectacled langur ( Trachypithecus crepusculus , syn .: Presbytis crepusculus ) is a species of primate from the group of slender monkeys (Presbytini), which occurs in southeastern Indochina. The distribution area is south of the distribution area of ​​the Phayre's glasses langur ( Trachypithecus phayrei ) in the north of Vietnam, Laos and Thailand, in the south of Myanmar ( Mon state and south of the Kayin state ) and in the east of the Saluen region of Yunnan , a Province in the southwest of the People's Republic of China.


Distribution area of ​​the Indochina spectacle langur (red) and the Phayre spectacled langur (green)

The Indochina glasses langur reaches a head-torso length of about 49 cm (females) and 51 cm (males) as well as a tail length of 82 cm (females) and 83 cm (males) and a weight of 6.4 (females) to 6.9 kg (males). Females are only slightly smaller than males. The head and body are light gray, the belly a little lighter and silver gray. The hands and feet are dark gray, the face and cheeks are brown, the hairless skin of the face is dark gray. The round, whitish rings that give it its name are found around the eyes. The upper lip is also white. The top hairs form a whorl. The light gray tail ends in a small tassel. Animals from the northeast of the range are in most cases darker, especially their limbs and tail.

Way of life

The Indochina lavender inhabits primary and secondary rainforests, moist, evergreen deciduous forests and, above all , areas covered with bamboo , in Laos it also occurs in open forests on karst soils . It occurs there sympathetically with crested langurs of the francoisi group and the red-legged robed monkey ( Pygathrix nemaeus ). It feeds mainly on leaves, bamboo shoots, seeds, flowers and plant saps.


The Indochina Leaf Monkey was founded in 1909 by the American zoologist Daniel Giraud Elliot described . Within the genus of the crested langurs ( Trachypithecus ) it is placed in the obscurus group. The species is said to be a hybrid between the obscurus group and the francoisi group.


The existence of the Indochina spectacle langur is endangered. In Vietnam it is considered critically endangered, from Laos few observations have been made and in China the population is estimated at less than 5400 specimens. The species occurs in the Bến En National Park in Vietnam and in the Nam Nao National Park in Thailand.
