Information Management Institute (Aschaffenburg University)

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The Information Management Institute (IMI) is a research and knowledge transfer facility at the Technical University of Aschaffenburg . The IMI was founded at the beginning of 2011 and is a public institution of the Faculty of Business and Law at the university. The institute takes a performance- and practice-oriented approach to academic work. The IMI conducts work and projects in applied research and knowledge transfer in the field of information management. The academic topics represented in IMI largely correspond to the subject areas of the professors working in the institute. Further tasks of the IMI are the publication of scientific papers, the organization of lecture series and conferences, the general promotion of the open academic discourse. The results of the research and project work flow into the academic teaching, not least in order to take into account the mandate of practice-related teaching.

Focus of work

  • Acquisition and implementation of third-party funded projects in the field of information management at Aschaffenburg University .
  • Promotion of contacts with the scientific community, business, the public sector and associations.
  • Funding of project-related academic studies and theses with partners from business. Organization of lecture series and conferences.
  • General promotion of open academic discourse.


The members of the institute are the professors who work there. The founders and executive directors of the institute are Wolfgang Alm and Georg Rainer Hofmann . Other members of the institute are Andreas Hufgard, Carsten Reuter and Eberhard Schott.

Research work and projects

running time Project name Project subject Project partner
2001 to 2004 (Knowledge Asset Management) Assessment and administration of personalized and codified knowledge items as assets Aschaffenburg University of Applied Sciences
2002 to 2003 IPV Innovation through patenting and exploitation Julius Maximilians University of Würzburg , Bavarian Center for Applied Energy Research (ZAE Bayern), Fraunhofer patent office for German research
2007 to 2009 HTO project MOESBU a Mediawiki-based open system for expert mapping for the driving safety industry in the Bavarian Lower Main Technical University of Aschaffenburg , Fraunhofer FOKUS ,,


2009 to 2012 ESF project KontAkS Knowledge transfer of methods to determine the context and acceptance of systems Aschaffenburg University , Fraunhofer FOKUS , Qumola GmbH, ZENTEC GmbH
2009 to 2013 University of Applied Sciences Innovation Alliance 2013 Measures to improve the scientific reputation of Aschaffenburg University of Applied Sciences Aschaffenburg University of Applied Sciences
2011 to 2014 ESF project mainproject Knowledge transfer of methods of process optimization, lean management and service management Mainsite GmbH & Co.KG ( Industrie Center Obernburg ), Fraunhofer FOKUS (Berlin)
2013 to 2015 ESF project KaRaBonita Knowledge transfer of methods and processes to improve the capitalization of small and medium-sized companies in the Bavarian Lower Main region - KaRaBonita ("Capital - Rating - Creditworthiness") Aschaffenburg University of Applied Sciences WALTER FRIES Management Consulting (Aschaffenburg), Fraunhofer FOKUS (Berlin)
2015 to 2018 ESF mainproject 2018 Knowledge transfer of methods of process optimization, lean management and service management Aschaffenburg University , Mainsite GmbH & Co.KG ( Industrie Center Obernburg ), Fraunhofer FOKUS (Berlin)
2018 to 2021 ESF project mainproject digital Knowledge transfer, especially in the context of "digital transformation" to strengthen the competitiveness of SMEs in the Bavarian Lower Main region Mainsite GmbH & Co.KG ( Industrie Center Obernburg ), Fraunhofer IAO , Raiffeisen-Volksbank Miltenberg, (media partner)

Publications (selection)

  • Georg Rainer Hofmann: Quality, pricing and success in electronic retailing - what makes an e-shop successful? World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sust. Development, Vol. 7, No. 2, 2011 155
  • Georg Rainer Hofmann, Meike Schumacher: Study on the acceptance of cloud computing, EuroCloud Deutschland_eco eV, EuroCloud Austria, 2012, Cologne, Vienna, 2nd edition 2014
  • Meike Schumacher, Georg Rainer Hofmann: Case-based Evidence - Basics and Application, Forecasting and Improving the Acceptance of Products and Projects, Springer, 2016
  • Georg Rainer Hofmann: Does the “digitization of the university” endanger the academy's culture? - on the debate about student attendance, 29th AKWI conference, Brandenburg, 2016
  • Georg Rainer Hofmann, Meike Schumacher: Acceptance Factors of E-Invoicing ("Electronic Invoicing"), Cologne, 2016, 2nd edition. 2018
  • Georg Rainer Hofmann: Elements of a reference model for knowledge transfer - a meta-knowledge transfer? - μετα !, 30th AKWI conference, Aschaffenburg, 2017
  • Georg Rainer Hofmann: Elements of a “Critique of Artificial Reason” - Comments on Hawking's Warning, 31st AKWI Conference, Hamburg, 2018
  • Andreas Hufgard, Stefanie Krüger: SAP Business ByDesign: Business processes, technology and implementation clearly explained. Galileo Press, Bonn, 2012
  • Andreas Hufgard: Business Integration Trainee: Making business processes understandable in a system-based way. HMD - Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik 50 (2013), 290, pp. 101–109, 2013
  • Andreas Hufgard, Johannes Schulz: User activities in business processes - A system-based analysis of Specialist users, In: IADIS International journal on computer science and information systems 9 (2014) 2, 2014
  • Christian Bartmann, Andreas Hufgard, Stephan Streller, Vanessa Weltner: Digital breakthrough in auditing and consulting, in: Digitization of auditing - data analysis on the move, Erich Schmidt Verlag, Berlin, 2018

Individual evidence

  1. Internet presence of the Information Management Institute:
  2. Georg Rainer Hofmann , Wolfgang Alm : Management of employee expertise in IT consulting companies - basics, methods and tools. IMI Verlag, Aschaffenburg, 2003
  3. Georg Rainer Hofmann , Wolfgang Alm: Development of an Expertise Mapping for Car-2-X-Applications. IMI Verlag, Aschaffenburg, 2010
  4. Meike Schumacher, Georg Rainer Hofmann (ed.), Wolfgang Alm (ed.): Knowledge transfer project KontAKS - final report. IMI Verlag, Aschaffenburg, 2012
  5. Georg Rainer Hofmann , Wolfgang Alm: Implementation proposals for an intellectual capital statement at Aschaffenburg University, IMI Verlag, Aschaffenburg, 2009
  6. ^ Meike Schumacher, Georg Rainer Hofmann (Ed.), Wolfgang Alm (Ed.): Knowledge transfer project mainproject - final report. IMI Verlag, Aschaffenburg, 2014
  7. ^ Georg Rainer Hofmann (ed.), Wolfgang Alm (ed.): ESF project KaRaBonita - final report. A knowledge transfer project of the European Social Fund in Bavaria (ESF), IMI Verlag, Aschaffenburg, 2015
  8. Meike Schumacher, Georg Rainer Hofmann (ed.), Wolfgang Alm (ed.), Katja Leimeister: ESF project mainproject 2018 - final report. IMI Verlag, Aschaffenburg, 2018