Ingeborg Drewitz Prize

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The Ingeborg-Drewitz-Preis is a 1987 award from the Berlin State Association of the Humanist Union , which commemorates the writer Ingeborg Drewitz , who died in 1986 . It is awarded at irregular intervals to people and institutions that have made a special commitment to human dignity .


According to the speech of the chairwoman of the HU regional association Berlin in 1987, Anna Elmiger, it is about “... to point out strength, courage, perseverance and annoying tenacity in the resistance against injustice and domination. We want to thank a person who, without making a fuss about it, runs against the injustice in this city and has not yet got a price (...). The often dark reality, which we either experience ourselves or find described anew in every newspaper, becomes brighter for a moment when we hear that there are still people who take sides for those who, for personal or political reasons, are in Need and despair have come. "

Award winners

See also

Ossip K. Flechtheim Prize , Fritz Bauer Prize , Deschner Prize , IBKA ,

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Ilse Lenz : The new women's movement in Germany. Farewell to the small difference . VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, Wiesbaden 2008, ISBN 978-3-531-14729-1 .
  2. Laudation on the occasion of the Ingeborg Drewitz Prize of the Humanist Union Berlin 2004
  3. Roland Otte: Claudia Dantschke has been contributing to a well-founded and rational discussion about Islam and Islamism for many years. Humanist Union , April 20, 2010, accessed October 21, 2014 .