Ingeborg Pilgram-Brückner

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Ingeborg Pilgram-Brückner (born July 2, 1924 in Heilbronn ; † June 2, 2013 ) was a German journalist and writer .


Brückner worked from 1954 to 1965 as a journalist in the local editorial team of Heilbronner Voice . As a correspondent in Heilbronn's twin town of Béziers , where some of her plays were also performed, she helped to establish this twinning from the mid-1960s. Until her retirement in 1984, she was in charge of the regional editorial office for North Württemberg of the Evangelical Press Service , which she had built up for 20 years . It was there that she met the business journalist Heinz Dieter Pilgram, whom she married in 1970.

Ingeborg Pilgram-Brückner wrote books, plays and radio plays for children. Together with her husband, she also wrote several hiking guides.


In 2011 Ingeborg Pilgram-Brückner received the Golden Mint of the City of Heilbronn. The Heilbronn twin town of Béziers awarded them the Medal of Honor of the City of Béziers for the promotion of cultural issues.

Books (selection)

  • The Gargi fairy tales
  • The ball of moon thread
  • The journeys with the wondrous glass ball
  • The Stubensand-Jakob tells
  • The little salt men from Heilbronn
  • The castle ghosts from the lowlands
  • The Schlorfer von Maienfels
  • And heaven greets the earth
  • A Christmas light for creation

Plays (selection)

  • Annelie's Christmas dream
  • Gold brush
  • The lost stars
  • The ghost of Tartoville
  • Bitterus and the spirits of Languedoc
  • The magic mirror


  • Culture catalog 1993, City of Heilbronn 1993, p. 212

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