Ingolf Baur

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Ingolf Baur

Ingolf Baur (* 1964 near Stuttgart ) is a German television presenter .

Ingolf Baur studied physics , astronomy and biophysics at the University of Hamburg from 1986 to 1993 and worked on his diploma thesis in elementary particle physics at the German Electron Synchrotron in Hamburg. He completed a classical vocal training from 1988 to 1994 and was a singer at the Hamburg State Opera and the German Schauspielhaus Hamburg and now sings bass in the Karlsruhe a cappella group "Kabinett". He also studied Italian in Perugia ( Italy ), among other places .

In 1994 he started working as a freelancer at Südwestrundfunk Baden-Baden as a moderator and filmmaker in the fields of science, countries - people - adventure , telecolleg (moderation “Physics” episodes 1 to 13) and service. He hosted from 1994 to 2002, the SWR -Wissenschaftsmagazin " probe " and from 2002 to 2005, the science magazine "WiesoWeshalbWarum".

Since 1999 he has been one of three moderators of the 3sat science magazine " nano " and the weekly science magazine "Projekt Zukunft", which is broadcast in English and German, at Deutsche Welle , where his main task is to make complex topics understandable for viewers . "It is always about trends and developments in research in Germany and Europe, and thus the future of all of us," says Baur.

Furthermore, from the beginning of 2006 to the end of 2010, he moderated the SWR science program “ Odysso ”.

He is not only a presenter of various science programs, but also a film author. His most famous works are reports on Afghanistan and the total solar eclipse in 1999 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Ingolf Baur - physicist is looking for boundary conditions , Baurs self-presentation at 3sat
  2. Odysso - discover knowledge