Ingritt Neuhaus

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Ingritt Neuhaus (* 1940 in Dortmund ) is a German artist , art teacher and book illustrator .

Live and act

Ingritt Neuhaus was born in Dortmund in 1940. In her hometown, she worked as a judicial officer from 1959 to 1964. In 1964 Neuhaus married in Paderborn , where she has lived and worked ever since. Her son was born two years later. In 1970 she completed training as an educator, to which she then continued training as an art teacher. In the following years she worked in the areas of kindergarten and school and accompanied meditation courses . Since 1978 she has devoted herself to batik work and eventually gained fame through her illustrations of fairy tales and Bible texts , often with mandala images.

Publications (selection)

  • (together with Eugen Drewermann ): Frau Holle: Fairy tales No. 24 from the Grimm collection. Walter-Verlag, Olten / Freiburg im Breisgau 1982, ISBN 3-530-16862-9 .
  • Snow White and Rose Red. Art folder, 6 motifs. Bonifatius-Verlag, Paderborn 1984, ISBN 3-87088-412-6 .
  • Mother Hulda. Art folder, 8 motifs. Bonifatius-Verlag, Paderborn 1984, ISBN 3-87088-410-X .
  • The girl with no hands. Art folder, 13 motifs. Bonifatius-Verlag, Paderborn 1984, ISBN 3-87088-416-9 .
  • (together with Eugen Drewermann): The real thing is invisible: the "little prince", interpreted in terms of depth psychology. Herder, Freiburg im Breisgau 1984, ISBN 3-451-20283-2 .
  • (together with Eugen Drewermann): The golden bird: Fairy tale No. 57 from the Grimmschen collection. Walter-Verlag, Solothurn / Düsseldorf 1984, ISBN 3-530-16861-0 .
  • The selfish giant: a fairy tale. Introduced, adorned with mandala images and commented on by Ingriff Neuhaus. By Oscar Wilde , translated by Hannelore Neves. Verlag am Eschbach, Eschbach 1990, ISBN 3-88671-113-7 .
  • The blue rose. One sees clearly only with the heart. A fairy tale with mandala images. Verlag am Eschbach, Eschbach 1994, ISBN 3-88671-149-8 .

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g h Short biography of Ingritt Neuhaus. In: Ingritt Neuhaus: The blue rose. One sees clearly only with the heart. A fairy tale with mandala images. 2nd Edition. Verlag am Eschbach, Eschbach 1996, ISBN 3-88671-149-8 , p. 20.