Ingvar Lindqvist

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Fritz Ingvar Lindqvist (born August 2, 1921 in Kråksmåla , † May 25, 1991 ) was a Swedish chemist.

Lindqvist studied chemistry at Uppsala University , where he received his doctorate in 1950 with a dissertation on isopoly molybdates . Then he was a lecturer in Uppsala and dealt with solid-state chemistry, complex chemistry and adducts , that is, compounds made up of donors and acceptors of electrons. In 1962 he became a professor at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences in Ultuna south of Uppsala.

In 1967 he became a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences and from 1987 to 1991 its president. He headed its chemistry department and in this role was on the Nobel Committee for Chemistry Prizes. He was also secretary of the Swedish Scientific Research Council and since 1987 a member of the Swedish Academy of Engineering.

In 1954 he received the Norblad Ekstrand Medal and in 1983 the Oscar Carlson Medal of the Swedish Chemical Society . After his death, the Ingvar Lindqvist Prize was donated to the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences for science teachers.

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Individual evidence

  1. The sixfold negatively charged Mo 7 O 24 is called the Lindqvist anion
  2. Lista mottagare. Svenska Kemisamfundet, accessed on September 7, 2019 .
  3. Lindqvist Price