Initiative Liberal Muslims Austria

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The Liberal Muslims Austria Initiative (ILMÖ) is an association based in Vienna .

Its purpose is to make grievances of the Islamic Faith Community in Austria (IGGiÖ) known to the public and to promote integration.


The initiative was founded in 2007. Her first speaker was Bouziane Ghessas . Bouzian Ghessas was born in Algeria in 1963 and is a lawyer.

Amer Albayati later became president of the ILMÖ. Albayati was born in Baghdad in 1942 and is a journalist specializing in the Middle East. He has lived in Vienna since 1980.


Due to the special constitution of Islam in Austria in the Islamic Faith Community in Austria (IGGiÖ), which as a corporation under public law is the official representation of all Muslims in Austria by law, the criticism of the ILMÖ is directed primarily against this institution and against all politicians who promote what they consider to be the illiberal course of this institution. In this context, the ILMÖ is repeatedly present in the Austrian media.

In terms of content, the ILMÖ calls for a liberal Islam: “Liberal Muslims differ from conservative and radical Muslims. They not only believe in their religion, but also respect other religions and those who think differently. You are open to progress and new developments, and you maintain an exchange with different cultures. They represent freedom of thought and diversity and support understanding between peoples and peaceful coexistence. Liberal Muslims are committed to the principles of the Austrian constitution and the basic values ​​of European morality, ethics, democracy and human rights for women too. They reject any kind of extremism, fanaticism, violence and terror. "

On 4 March 2011, the ILMÖ published with the Wiener Akademikerbund and the Islamic Austrian center , the Vienna Integration Manifesto: 25 groundbreaking proposals and demands for integration of Muslims in Austria . Strict rules for the Islamic Faith Community in Austria (IGGiÖ) are required, including a. Disclosure obligations regarding beliefs and fatwas, the use of the German language and restrictions on building mosques.


Tarafa Baghajati , chairman of the Muslim Austrians Initiative , sharply criticizes the ILMÖ. Due to its cooperation with the Vienna Academic Association, the ILMÖ would have made itself the stooge of racists and Islam-haters.

See also

Web links

supporting documents

  1. ILMÖ: first page of the website , accessed in September 2016
  2. Interview with Bouziane Ghessas: Muslims don't need minarets Neues Volksblatt July 20, 2007
  3. Stefan Beig: "Demanding resignation from Schakfeh" , Wiener Zeitung February 10, 2009. Available here or here .
  4. Amer Albayati: Personal Die Presse August 3, 2013
  5. ^ About the author: Amer Albayati Amazon Autortext February 12, 2016
  6. Stefan Beig: "Demanding resignation from Schakfeh" , Wiener Zeitung February 10, 2009. Available here or here .
  7. Interview with Bouziane Ghessas: Muslims don't need minarets Neues Volksblatt July 20, 2007
  8. WAB, ILMÖ, IÖZ: Vienna Integration Manifesto March 4, 2011
  9. Tarafa Baghajati: "ILMÖ" finally reveals itself to be the stooge of racists and Islam- haters March 10, 2011