Vienna Academic Association

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The Wiener Akademikerbund (WAB) is a political association that sees itself as a right-wing conservative think tank , based in Vienna . It was founded in 1954 by Reinhard Kamitz .

Originally, the association was an apron organization of the ÖVP . However, after a political debate about freedom of expression , the Vienna Academic Association left the ÖVP in 2010. One broadcast advocated abolishing the 1947 Prohibition Act , as parts of the law were viewed as unconstitutional, see criticism.

The WAB regularly organizes lecture evenings and discussion groups. Some previous speakers: Petr Bystron , Michael Ley , Marcus Franz , Andreas Mölzer , Martin Lichtmesz , Peter Gridling , John Lennox , Efgani Dönmez , Karl Wallner , Christian Hafenecker , Johannes Hübner (politician) , Alfons Adam , Andreas Unterberger , Friedmund Hueber , Gudula Walterskirchen , Andreas Laun , Franz Fiedler , Astrid Meyer-Schubert , Klaus Emmerich (journalist) , Amer Albayati , Heinrich Wohlmeyer , Ursula Stenzel , Sabatina James , Walter Marinovic , Barbara Rosenkranz , Adrian Hollaender ;


The Vienna Academic Association is often a topic in the press because of its statements. The SPÖ politician Omar Al-Rawi criticized these as "tirades of hatred against Islam, against Muslims", as well as "xenophobic and Islamophobic [] statements". In particular, the demand made by the then president of the WAB to repeal the prohibition law was reflected in many media reports. This law regulates the prohibition of the NSDAP and also in §3g "any other activity within the meaning of National Socialism". Since this formulation is very unclear, this paragraph is controversial among lawyers.

The Vienna Academic Association takes a public position on issues such as Islamization , mass immigration, gender ideology, as well as family and homosexuality. His controversial expertise is repeatedly picked up by the broad media and daily politics and classified by some critics as right-wing extremist, xenophobic, Islamophobic and homophobic. On the homepage of the federal government there is talk of "Umvolkung" and "rape jihad", marriage for everyone represents a "revaluation of values" for the federal government.

The Vienna Academic Association is one of the organizers of the march for the family . In response to this, the action group March for an Ass held annual counter-demonstrations. The former President of the Court of Auditors, Franz Fiedler, is the Honorary President of the WAB .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Akademikerbund - SP-Al Rawi: "VP apparently only has problems with the latest statements from the Vienna Akademikerbund". Retrieved February 6, 2019 .
  2. ^ Katharina Schmidt: The Vienna Academic Association split off. Retrieved February 6, 2019 .
  3. ^ Wiener Akademikerbund: Prohibition Law "Shame". April 15, 2010, accessed February 6, 2019 .
  4. Katharina Schmidt: Prohibition Act: Academic Association causes a scandal - Vienna Academic Association, which is close to the ÖVP, calls for the abolition of the Prohibition Act and an end to immigration. Retrieved February 6, 2019 .
  5. ^ Wiener Akademikerbund: Georg Immanuel Nagel: The Scandinavian Nightmare - Wiener Akademikerbund. Retrieved on February 6, 2019 (German).
  6. ^ Wiener Akademikerbund: Charles Bohatsch: The "marriage for all" is a revaluation of values ​​- Wiener Akademikerbund. Retrieved on February 6, 2019 (German).
  7. March for an ass. Retrieved February 6, 2019 (American English).