Efgani Donmez

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Efgani Dönmez (2013)

Efgani Dönmez (born October 30, 1976 in Kangal , Sivas , Turkey ) is an Austrian social worker , management consultant and politician of Turkish origin (currently non-party ; previously Die Grünen or ÖVP ).

From 2008 to 2015 he was a member of the Federal Council delegated by the Upper Austrian Landtag . From November 9, 2017 to October 22, 2019, he was a member of the National Council .


Dönmez came to Austria with his family at the end of 1976. He attended elementary school in Pinsdorf , then the secondary school and the polytechnic school in Gmunden (both Upper Austria ). His first profession he learned is a gas-water heating technician and from 1998 to 2002 he worked as a plumber and caretaker. At the University of Linz he completed the university entrance qualification course from 1997 to 1999 and then from 2000 to 2004 the Linz State Academy for Social Work for employed people. He studied conflict management and mediation at the University of Linz in 2008/2009 (graduated as PMM, Professional Master of Mediation, 2010). In addition, he has been working in various areas at Volkshilfe Oberösterreich since 2000 , where he also did his community service in 1999/2000 , first in the house supervision of a youth project, later in public relations, as a social worker and in looking after refugees and migrants. Since 2006 he has been a lecturer at the University of Applied Sciences for Social Work. Dönmez also works as a management consultant.


Since 2000 Dönmez has been involved in projects of the sub-organization of the Greens Upper Austria Die Grünen Interkulturell . In 2006 he was elected to the board of the Greens in the city of Linz and in 2007 to that of the Greens Educational Workshop.

In the course of the protests in Turkey in 2013 against the government under Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan , Dönmez said in a comment on his Facebook page, referring to an article in the tabloid Today about a rally planned in Vienna, at which around 5,000 Erdoğan supporters are expected, "5000 one-way tickets and nobody would cry for them ...". He received clear criticism from the Greens. Also via Facebook, Green Federal Managing Director Stefan Wallner rejected Dönmez's statements, because the Greens “could not, on the one hand, criticize Erdoğan's policy, which allows peaceful dissidents to be fought violently with tear gas and water cannons, and, on the other hand, demand coercive measures for dissenters living here.” Erdoğan's supporters living in Austria, such as the New Vienna Turks group , demanded his resignation, he found support from others, such as the Initiative Liberal Muslims Austria . A few days later Dönmez withdrew his testimony because it was an "unfortunate, exaggerated formulation and a border violation".

In reviewing the controversies surrounding the Vienna Academic Ball 2014 , Dönmez complained about the Greens' “double standards”. He stated in his blog that the “double standards” from his own ranks “bitterly open” to him. He locates this - assuring that he has no sympathy for either side - in the fact that “national-Islamist currents that chant 'We are Erdoğan's soldiers' on Vienna's streets” fall under “freedom of expression and human rights” from the green perspective. "But if ball goers with a German national world view and other right-wing ideas visit this, then there is massive weather and tries to fight this with (almost) all means."

On October 16, 2015, Dönmez was no longer nominated as a Federal Councilor by the Upper Austrian Greens; David Stögmüller from Braunau moved into the Federal Council in his place . Dönmez commented on this by saying that the Greens “do not want lateral thinkers in their own ranks”.

In October 2016, Dönmez invited the spokesman for the Austrian Identity Movement (IBÖ), Martin Sellner , in the talk show Talk in Hangar-7 to visit a refugee home with him so that he might change his perspective. After this visit with Sellner in an asylum seekers' home was forbidden from him by the responsible Upper Austrian Provincial Councilor Rudi Anschober ( The Greens ) with the support of the Provincial Party Executive of the Greens in Upper Austria, Dönmez declared his resignation from the party. As a justification, he told the daily newspaper Der Standard that the decision of the regional council, behind which the top of the Upper Austrian Greens had subsequently supported, shows that in his opinion the Greens are "becoming more and more of a sect". According to other media reports, the party quit was also related to an offer to run for the 2017 National Council election on Sebastian Kurz's ÖVP list .

On July 3, 2017, Dönmez presented the European citizens' initiativeStop Extremism ” he had founded at a press conference in Berlin , for which he acts as the chair of the “Chair of Support Committee”. Dönmez was able to win over the Berlin women's rights activist and Imamim Seyran Ateş as a “prominent fellow campaigner” for the project, the aim of which is to “achieve a million signatures in at least seven European countries in order to enforce [an] EU directive, the loopholes in the fight to close from extremism and to establish effective protection against extremism across Europe ”. According to a report in the German daily newspaper “Die Welt”, the “core” of the draft law proposed by “Stop Extremism” is “the double requirement for a Europe-wide seal of approval to be awarded to companies, institutions and so on that turn against extremists. In addition, a Europe-wide 'warning list' of individuals, organizations and institutions who are considered extremists ”. The newspaper sees this as "an attempt to institutionalize a European McCarthyism ".

On July 7, 2017, it was announced that he would run for fifth place on the Kurz list in the National Council election as an expert on integration and asylum . However, in a newspaper interview in August 2017, he expressly refused to join the ÖVP.

Dönmez was faced with calls for resignation at the beginning of September 2018, after he had made insulting statements on Twitter about the State Secretary and authorized representative of the State of Berlin at the Sawsan Chebli ( SPD ). Efgani Dönmez responded to a question from a Twitter user about how Sawsan Chebli came to her position with: "Take a look at her knees, you might find an answer there." Dönmez apologized for his derogatory tweet and didn't want him to be sexist understand. One day after the tweet became known, the parliamentary club of the ÖVP decided to exclude Dönmez from their club. From September 4, 2018 to October 22, 2019, he was a non-attached member of the National Council.


Web links

Commons : Efgani Dönmez  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Austrian Parliament : Efgani Dönmez, PMM
  2. a b Christoph Kotanko: Sebastian Kurz fishes for Efgani Dönmez. In: Upper Austrian news . May 30, 2017. Retrieved May 30, 2017 .
  3. efganidoenmez.at: Biography ( Memento from August 29, 2013 in the Internet Archive )
  4. a b Kurier : Green Federal Council: “Send home everyone who is for Erdoğan” , June 17, 2013
  5. Der Standard : “He went too far,” June 18, 2013
  6. a b ORF : Türken-Sager causes a stir , June 18, 2013
  7. ^ The Greens Upper Austria: Clarification of the Greens Upper Austria on statements from BR Efgani Dönmez on Turkey , June 17, 2013
  8. ^ Kurier : Erdoğan supporters demand Dönmez's resignation , June 18, 2013
  9. Dönmez takes "Türken-Sager" back on ooe.orf.at, accessed on June 19, 2013
  10. Jump up to the website of the green offspring - Green Federal Council criticizes “double standards” on orf.at, accessed on January 28, 2014
  11. Green Federal Councilor Dönmez voted out of office within the party - social workers: "lateral thinkers in our own ranks are undesirable". derstandard.at, October 16, 2015, accessed on October 19, 2015 .
  12. Talk in Hangar-7: "I hold out my hand to you". In: DiePresse.com . October 21, 2016, accessed May 30, 2017 .
  13. Markus Rohrhofer: Dönmez leaves the Greens in a dispute . In: The Standard . May 31, 2017, p. 6 ( Online [accessed November 25, 2017]).
  14. "Dönmez founds citizens' initiative against extremism" , nachrichten.at (Oberösterreichische Nachrichten), July 4, 2017
  15. “This ex-Green wants to unhinge Europe's democracy” , DIE WELT, July 3, 2017
  16. orf.at: Ex-Green Dönmez is a candidate on the Kurz list . Article dated July 7, 2017, accessed July 7, 2017
  17. "Political Islam takes over public space". kurier.at, August 13, 2017, accessed on August 13, 2017 .
  18. ^ ÖVP mandatar Dönmez for sexist tweet under criticism . In: Der Standard , September 2, 2018. 
  19. a b Tom Schaffer: Resignation demands on ÖVP member Dönmez after sexist tweet . In: Kurier , September 2, 2018. 
  20. Efgani Dönmez on Twitter: "1 / 2My tweet about Ms. Chebli has sparked wild interpretations. It was never my intention to defame Ms. Chebli because of her gender or political party affiliation, if this was taken so I sincerely apologize." . September 2, 2018. Accessed September 2, 2018.
  21. Efgani Dönmez on Twitter: "Because of the discussions that have been triggered, I can see in retrospect that I have degraded Ms. Chebli. That was a moment of weakness, absolutely wrong of me and I apologize sincerely to her and to everyone who feels hurt by it . " . September 2, 2018. Accessed September 2, 2018.
  22. ↑ Stumbled over "knee": ÖVP club excludes Efgani Dönmez , DiePresse.com on September 3, 2018
  23. ^ Dönmez: ÖVP exclusion "completely exaggerated decision". Courier, September 4, 2018, accessed September 4, 2018 .
  24. ↑ Governor Dr. Josef Pühringer presented decorations . State correspondence No. 243 of December 20, 2016, accessed on June 5, 2018.