Institute for History and International Relations

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The Institute of History and International Relations was founded on 7 July 2014 by order of the Rector of the Southern Federal University through the restructuring of the Faculty of History. Its emergence is due not only to the general processes of change in the organization of educational activities, but also to the fact that for several decades the faculty has been preparing not only professional historians, but also specialists in other related fields of knowledge - international lawyers, documentary filmmakers and archivists. The incorporation of the two chairs preparing the history and social science teachers completed this process of creating a large scientific and educational association.

Teaching and Research

The institute offers Bachelor and Master courses in various areas: "International Relations", "History" (Bachelor and Master degrees), historical urban research and pedagogical training in the "History" profile, where future teachers of history and social studies are trained. Currently (as of 2020) more than 4,400 students study at the institute, more than half of whom participate in Russian and international scholarship programs. The institute offers courses in master’s degree programs developed in collaboration with the European universities of Linköping and Kingston . Invited experts from leading education and science centers around the world give regular lectures to students. As part of the MIGO program, historian students have the opportunity to do international internships at European universities from the second year onwards. The institute has a dissertation council for historical sciences that defends doctoral and master theses.

The institute develops partnerships with representatives of leading European universities. It hosts major Russian and international conferences and has developed the Center for European Studies, which enables students and teachers to broaden their research interests, establish partnerships with the European Commission Representation in Russia, and hold meetings with embassies from European countries. Teachers and students regularly take part in international projects.


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