Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas

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The Institute for Philosophy and Human Sciences of the National University of Campinas , Brazil ( UNICAMP ) ( Portuguese .: Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas; code: IFCH [pronounced: Ifischi]) is one of the most important humanities university institutes in Latin America .

The IFCH has its origins in the department for economic and social planning , which was founded in 1968 on the initiative of Zeferino Vaz . This department was then assigned to the newly founded Institute for Philosophy and Human Sciences, which until 1975 had three departments: the Department of Social Science (Portuguese: Departamento de Ciências Sociais, DCS), the Department of Economics and Economic Planning (Portuguese: Departamento de Economia e Planejamento Econômico, DEPE) and the Department of Linguistics (Portuguese: Departamento de Lingüistica, DEL). The last two departments have been expanded into independent institutes over time. Thus, from the Department of Linguistics in 1976, the Institute of language - and literature ( Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem , IEL) and from the Department of Economics and Economic Planning in 1984, the Institute of Economics ( Instituto de Economia , IE).

In 1978 the Department of Philosophy and History was founded at IFCH . The Department of Social Science was divided into three departments in 1991: Department of Sociology , Department of Anthropology and Department of Political Science .

Course offer

Undergraduate studies

Every year 170 places are offered, 30 in philosophy, 40 in history and 110 in social sciences (55 of them in evening classes).

Post graduation

IFCH offers Mestrado and PhD courses in social sciences, political sciences, environment and society , anthropology, sociology, philosophy, history and statistics .

Institute library Professor Doutor Octávio Ianni

With 151,000 volumes, the IFCH library is one of the largest humanities libraries in Latin America.

Edgard Leuenroth Archive

The institute also owns the Edgard Leuenroth Archive (AEL) from the estate of the Brazilian anarchist and journalist Edgard Leuenroth. It is one of the most important archives for the Brazilian social movements of the 20th century.

Web links