Integration specialist service

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Integrationsfachdienste (IFD) are third-party services in Germany that are intended to support the participation of people with disabilities in the general labor market. In Austria, comparable services are called job assistance . These services are usually run by independent, non-profit organizations.

The IFD are regulated by law in §§ 192 ff. And § 49 Paragraph 6 SGB ​​IX . They should work across interfaces and service providers for the Federal Employment Agency (placement) and the integration office (support, securing a job) and the rehabilitation providers (e.g. integration after an accident). The integration offices are responsible for coordinating the work of the IFD.

Target groups

The target groups of the IFD are disabled people and employers.

Specialized integration services are intended for people with disabilities who need more staff-intensive support for their professional integration. The legal target groups of the IFD are in particular according to § 192 Abs. 2 SGB IX:

  • "Severely disabled people with a special need for on-the-job and part-time care,
  • Severely handicapped people who, after targeted preparation by the workshop for handicapped people, are to be integrated into the general labor market and are dependent on costly personnel-intensive, individual, work-accompanying aids, as well as
  • severely disabled school leavers who are dependent on the support of an integration specialist service to take up employment on the general labor market. "

The legislature expressly names people with a so-called mental or psychological disability or with severe physical, sensory or multiple disabilities as the target group.

According to Section 49, Paragraph 6 of Book IX of the Social Code, the IFD can also be active in the professional integration of disabled people who do not have the severely disabled status (e.g. people with mental disabilities or a so-called learning disability or disabled school leavers who do not yet have a severely handicapped ID card ). In order to receive support from the IFD, you must submit a rehabilitation application to the responsible rehabilitation agency (usually the Federal Employment Agency for young people ).


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The statutory tasks of the IFD include ( Section 193 (2) SGB IX):

  1. "To evaluate and assess the abilities of the assigned severely disabled people and thereby assign an individual ability, performance and interest profile to prepare for the general labor market in close cooperation with the severely disabled people, the client and the institution providing school or vocational training or rehabilitation work out,
  2. to support the Federal Employment Agency, upon request, with vocational guidance and counseling in schools, including documentation of the results relating to each individual young person,
  3. to accompany the in-company training of severely disabled, especially mentally and learning disabled young people,
  4. to develop suitable jobs ( Section 156 ) on the general labor market,
  5. prepare severely disabled people for the intended jobs,
  6. to accompany severely disabled people, as long as necessary, at the workplace or during the training of practical professional skills at the specific workplace,
  7. with the consent of the severely disabled person, to inform and advise employees in the company or in the office about the type and effects of the disability and the corresponding rules of conduct,
  8. carry out follow-up care, crisis intervention or psychosocial care and
  9. to be available as a contact for employers, to provide information about the benefits for employers and to clarify these benefits for employers,
  10. to clarify the services required for severely disabled people in cooperation with the rehabilitation agencies and the integration offices and to support them with the application. "

The target group and the task of IFD largely corresponds to the concept of Supported Employment (Supported Employment) . The problem is that the current funding often does not allow support for people with more support needs.

However, severely disabled people who are already working in the primary labor market are advised and looked after by the IFD as part of the accompanying help in working life.

Extra-occupational assistance in the workplace

The tasks of the IFD in the context of extra-occupational assistance on behalf of the integration office include in particular the promotion of the integration of severely disabled people into disability-friendly workplaces as well as securing the jobs of these employees.

Advising the IFD

  • People with disabilities and their relatives,
  • Employer,
  • In-company integration teams (inclusion teams) (e.g. persons of trust for the severely disabled, works and staff councils).

The extra-occupational assistance includes personal assistance and psychosocial assistance. The IFD

  • inform the employees about rights and obligations, in particular the funding options according to the Social Code (SGB) IX - rehabilitation and participation of people with disabilities,
  • advise on questions of handicapped-friendly work for severely disabled people and give tips on how to design a handicapped-friendly workplace,
  • mediate and support if there are questions about the employment of severely disabled people,
  • in special cases also look after those affected outside of the company, insofar as this helps to secure the employment relationship.

Employers are informed about financial support options by the integration office with a view to

  • the disability-friendly design of existing workplaces and facilities,
  • equipping workplaces and training places with technical aids.

In the context of psychosocial assistance, the integration services advise employees with mental disabilities, the mentally handicapped, other physically handicapped people and people with learning disabilities, as well as their employers. she

  • support with problems at work,
  • help to return to work after illness,
  • help with conflict discussions between employers and employees,
  • advise employers,
  • determine a possible financial contribution by the integration office in the case of in-house support and / or underperformance,
  • work closely with the institutions of psychosocial care and help those affected to contact external care,
  • make house calls.

Another area of ​​work is protection against dismissal for severely disabled people. The IFD are involved in the process. It is the job of the integration office to determine the facts of the case in the event of intended termination of employment by severely disabled people, to hear employers, severely disabled employees and third parties and to work towards an amicable settlement. The IFD provide specialist service support in this context as part of the accompanying assistance in working life.

IFDs were tested in model projects in the 1980s and 1990s and have been established throughout Germany in every district of the Employment Agency since they were legally anchored in autumn 2000. In 2018 there were 198 IFDs in Germany. You have placed 2,761 people with disabilities in the general labor market. In 18,697 cases, the IFD intervened in the context of accompanying assistance in working life. A total of 68,112 people were taken on by the IFD in 2018.

The current addresses of the regional IFD are available from the Federal Working Group of Integration Offices and Main Welfare Offices (BIH). The nationwide association of specialist integration services is the Federal Working Group for Supported Employment (BAG UB).

Since 2010, the employment agency has been issuing more project-related tenders in accordance with Section 46 of Book III of the Social Code without reference to IFD. The basis of the calculation is the specialist performance hour, which calls into question the financing of IFD measures for the integration of training seekers, the unemployed or those at risk of unemployment with severe disabilities.


  • Federal Working Group of Integration Offices and Main Welfare Offices (BIH) (Ed.): BIH Annual Report 2018/2019 (PDF 7.90 MB), Cologne 2019.
  • Federal Working Group of Integration Offices and Main Welfare Offices (BIH) (Ed.): Integrationsfachdienste (IFD) - Development 2014 to 2018 (PDF 3 MB), Cologne 2019.
  • Stefan Doose: Supported employment: Long-term professional integration. Theory, methodology and sustainability of supporting people with learning difficulties in the general labor market. A fate and course study. 3rd updated and completely revised edition. Lebenshilfe-Verlag, Marburg 2012, ISBN 978-3-88617-216-0 (detailed introduction, system of professional integration, development of IFD, concept and methods of supported employment, research overview, whereabouts study).
  • Dieter Schartmann: Operational integration through integration specialist services. In: Rudolf Bieker (Ed.): Participation in working life. Paths of professional integration of people with disabilities. Kohlhammer, Stuttgart 2005, pp. 258–281, ISBN 978-3-17-018444-2 (overview article)
  • Dieter Schartmann & Bernhard van Treeck : Integration specialist service - back to working life. In: Neurotransmitter , No. 6 (PDF) Munich 2008, pp. 22–26
  • BIH Federal Working Group of Integration Offices and Main Welfare Offices (ed.): ABC Fachlexikon. Employment of severely disabled people. 6th revised edition, Cologne 2018.
  • IFD Stormarn and Segeberg and AWO Neue Arbeit gGmbH (ed.): Make the leap in work. From school to the first job market. From the workshop to the first job market (PDF) Case studies, September 2015 (barrier-free in simple language [A 2])

See also

Web links

Nationwide organizations in Germany

Regional integration services in Germany

Nationwide organizations in Austria

Databases with references on the topic

Individual evidence

  1. BIH-Fachlexikon 2020, keyword integration team
  2. Federal Association of Integration Offices and Main Welfare Offices (BIH) (Ed.): Integrationsfachdienste (IFD) - Development 2014 to 2018. Cologne, 2019. ( [1] (PDF))
  3. Database integration specialist services