Interest group building maintenance Nordfriesland & Dithmarschen

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The interest group Baupflege Nordfriesland & Dithmarschen (short IG Baupflege or IGB , originally interest group Baupflege Nordfriesland ) advocates the preservation of the historical building culture and the cultural landscape in North Friesland and Dithmarschen. One focus is the "North Frisian farmhouse landscape". This consists of the basic forms "Low German hall house" (southeast Geest, North Friesland), " Haubarg " (Eiderstedt landscape) and the two long house forms " Geesthardenhaus " and " Uthland Frisian house ". This mainly refers to brick-built buildings that are used for agriculture and were erected in North Friesland between 1600 and 1900 . Another focus is on the homeland security architecture in North Friesland and Dithmarschen, which was created around the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. IG Baupflege is based at the Nordfriisk Instituut in Bredstedt .

History of IG Baupflege

As a result of the 14th Friesian Congress on Sylt in 1979, a group of young craftsmen, architects and artists founded the IG Baupflege as a working group at the Nordfriisk Instituut on the initiative of Carl Ingwer Johannsen , Gerd and Rainer Kühnast. She is committed to the preservation and research of the North Frisian domestic landscape to this day. Special challenges arise from the partial withdrawal of politics, the state and municipalities from the field of building maintenance on the one hand and new large-scale projects such as wind turbines, photovoltaic systems and high-voltage lines on the other.


  • Preservation and renovation of historical buildings, e.g. B. Roter Haubarg (joke), Captain Tadsen House (Langeneß), historic inn "Zum Krug" (Hockensbüll), Hans Momsen House (Fahretoft)
  • Advice and exchange of experiences among members
  • Mapping of buildings worth preserving
  • Further training through excursions inside and outside the region
  • Organization of exhibitions and specialist events
  • The magazine Der Maueranker has been published since 1981
  • Issuing of specialist publications
  • Statements on draft laws, state planning and construction projects


  • 1984: German Prize for Monument Protection (Silver Hemisphere)
  • 2001: Hans Momsen Prize for Gerd Kühnast as long-term chairman
  • 2018: Award "Person of the Year 2018" for the voluntary work of IGB Chairman Hans-Georg Hostrup. The choice was made by readers of the Husumer Nachrichten.


  • Hans-Günther Andresen: In the building tone of the region, of Schleswig-Holstein heritage protection architecture and of building maintenance in North Friesland and Dithmarschen. Writings of IG Baupflege Nordfriesland eV, Bredstedt 2015.
  • Gerd Kühnast (Ed.): The ridge is always on top - 25 years of interest group building maintenance North Friesland. Nordfriisk Instituut, Bredstedt 2007, ISBN 9783880073425 .

Individual evidence

  1. Working groups at, accessed on October 10, 2018
  2. The wall anchor at, accessed on October 10, 2018
  3. Stefan Petersen: 4500 votes and a tight final. Husumer Nachrichten of December 11, 2018, accessed on December 13, 2018