International Dictionary of Psychoanalysis

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The International Dictionary of Psychoanalysis ( Dictionnaire international de la psychanalyse , 2002) is currently the most comprehensive reference work on psychoanalysis . It is an expanded translation of the Dictionnaire international de la psychanalyse: concepts, notions, biographies, œuvres, événements, institutions , which was conducted by the French psychoanalyst Alain de Mijolla (together with Sophie de Mijolla-Mellor, Roger Perron and Bernard Golse first published in 2002 by Calmann-Lévy in Paris (2nd edition in 2005, 3rd edition in 2013 by Hachette Littérature).

The three volumes of the dictionary contain extensive articles on concepts and persons, on psychoanalytic organizations and on the history of psychoanalysis in individual countries.


In French

  • 2002 (first edition): Dictionnaire international de la psychanalyse (sous la direction d'Alain de Mijolla), 2 volumes (1st A / L and 2nd M / Z), Paris, Calmann-Lévy, 2002
  • 2005: Dictionnaire international de la psychanalyse (sous la direction d'Alain de Mijolla), 2 volumes (1.A / L et 2. M / Z), Paris, Hachette-Littérature
  • 2013: Dictionnaire international de la psychanalyse (sous la direction d'Alain de Mijolla), 2 volumes (1.A / L et 2. M / Z), Paris, Hachette-Littérature

In English

  • International Dictionary of Psychoanalysis , éd. Alain de Mijolla, 3 vol., Detroit, Thomson / Gale, 2005 (MacMillan Reference Books)

Comparable reference works

Other recent major reference works on psychoanalysis are The Edinburgh international encyclopaedia of psychoanalysis and the Dictionary of Psychoanalysis by Elisabeth Roudinesco .

From a conceptual historical point of view, The Vocabulary of Psychoanalysis by Jean Laplanche and Jean-Bertrand Pontalis should be mentioned, which describes in detail the development of the terms in Freud's texts.


  • Jean Laplanche and Jean-Bertrand Pontalis: The Vocabulary of Psychoanalysis , Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, ​​1973 - numerous new editions
  • Wolfgang Mertens and Bruno Waldvogel (eds.): Handbuch psychoanalytischer Grundbegriffe , Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 3rd revised and expanded edition, 2008

See also