International Association of Judges

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The International Association of Judges (ger .: International Association of Judges, IAJ ) is an umbrella association of currently 92 national judges' associations. It was founded in Salzburg in 1953 . Its seat is Rome .

The association sees itself as apolitical. Its main objective is to protect judicial independence as an essential prerequisite for judicial administration and a guarantee of human rights and fundamental freedoms.

The IAJ has consultative status with the Council of Europe , the International Labor Organization and the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations . President is G. Tony Pagone.

Member associations in German-speaking countries are the German Association of Judges , the Association of Austrian Judges , the Association Suisse des Magistrats de l'Ordre Judiciaire and the Association of Liechtenstein Judges .

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Member Associations. Retrieved May 16, 2019 .