International Lake Constance Fire Brigade Association

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The International Lake Constance Fire Brigade Association is an international fire service association of fire services in Germany , Switzerland and Austria in the area of ​​Lake Constance.

The fire brigade association was founded in 1860 as one of the first international fire brigade associations and the first in the German-speaking area, which still exists today. The exact place of foundation can no longer be precisely determined, but is either in Konstanz or in St. Gallen . The founding brigades were the fire brigades from Friedrichshafen , Lindau , Bregenz , Rorschach, St. Gallen and Konstanz from five countries at that time, Austria, Switzerland, Bavaria, Württemberg and Baden.

The purpose of the Fire Brigade Association is to exchange experiences in all areas that concern the fire brigade. This is not only fire and environmental protection or rescue services, but also youth work for the fire brigades and also maintaining camaraderie.

The seat of the federal government is not fixed, but according to the statutes it should be a permanently manned fire department. The federal archive is located at the Bregenz fire brigade. Membership is voluntary. Any fire brigade, i.e. professional fire brigade , voluntary fire brigade , such as company fire brigade in the Lake Constance area can become a member. Federal organs are the Assembly of Representatives and the Board of Directors, as well as the auditors. Depending on the number of active fire brigade members, it can send delegates to the assembly.


  • Germany: 56 volunteer fire brigades and plant fire brigades
  • Austria: 18 local and company fire departments
  • Switzerland: 31 fire brigades

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