Inti Peredo

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Guido Álvaro "Inti" Peredo Leigue , (born April 30, 1938 in Cochabamba , † September 9, 1969 in La Paz ) was a Bolivian politician, member of the Communist Party of Bolivia and then a member of the guerrilla de Ñancahuazú .


Guido "Inti" Peredo was a cousin of Guillermo Tineo Leigue and brother of Antonio (1932–2012), Roberto "Coco" and Oswaldo "Chato". The Peredo Leigue brothers formed part of the guerrilla de Ñancahuazú. Inti Peredo married Matilde Lara (* 1937) in 1963.

Peredo acted as party secretary in the Communist Party of La Paz. 1963 to 1964 he supported together with his brother Coco Peredo, Rodolfo Saldaña and Jorge Vázquez Viaña Jorge Ricardo Masetti, who practiced the uprising in the province of Salta with an Ejército Guerrillero del Pueblo : the group also supported an Ejército de Liberación Nacional de Perú . In March 1966, José María Martínez Tamayo informed him that he should put into practice the focus theory that Régis Debray had not yet put on paper . In May 1966, at a regional congress of the Communist Party, he reported that an armed struggle was necessary. There it was decided to send 20 men to Cuba for military training . With the second group, Peredo was instructed in asymmetrical warfare in Cuba and returned on November 12, 1966 to the tent camp on the Río Ñancahuazú leased by Mario Monje in 1966 . At the turn of the year 1966 to 1967 the lease for the property on the Río Ñancahuazú expired. On September 26, 1967, his brother Coco Peredo died on the Quebrada de Batán . On October 8, 1967, Ernesto Che Guevara was captured, interrogated and shot on the Quebrada del Yuro. With Inti Peredo, Harry Villegas (battle name: Pombo), Dariel Alarcón (Benigno), Leonardo Tamayo (Urbano) and David Adriazola (Darío) managed to escape from the Quebrada del Yuro area via Sabaya to Chile .

In 1969 he returned to La Paz and called for an uprising. After another appeal on September 4, 1969, his whereabouts were denounced to the police and a hand grenade was thrown into his quarters, injuring his legs; he was captured, beaten by Roberto "Toto" Quintanilla Pereira (1928–1971) for two hours with a rifle butt and killed with an injection by the pathologist Hebert Miranda Pereira.


  • Mi Campaña con el “Che”, 1971

Individual evidence

  1. Che Guevara, Bolivian Diary Inti Peredo (1937–1969)