Ioan Fiscuteanu

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Ioan Fiscuteanu

Ioan Fiscuteanu (born November 19, 1937 , Sânmihaiu de Câmpie ; † December 8, 2007 in Târgu Mureş ) was a Romanian theater and film actor.

Fiscuteanu graduated from the Bucharest Theater and Film School ( Institutul de Artă Teatrală și Cinematografică "IL Caragiale" ). He then performed on the stage of the Piatra Neamț State Theater . From 1968 he was an actor at the National Theater of Târgu Mureș , where he was seen in numerous roles.

In parallel, he worked with well-known Romanian directors and starred in twenty films. For his role as Dante Remus Lăzărescu in the film "Moartea domnului Lăzărescu" (German: The Death of Mr. Lazarescu ) he was awarded the main prize for best actor, the "Golden Swan", at the 2005 Copenhagen International Film Festival and at the Transylvania International Film Festival (TIFF) awarded for best presentation.

Fiscuteanu was also a writer and poet. He published the volume Strugurii de furat îs mai buni . In 2003 he received the award of Cavalier of the State Order "Serviciul Credincios" for his long-standing activities in the service of Romanian theater and film art.

In 2001 Fiscuteanu was diagnosed with cancer . He died six years later in the oncology department of the Târgu Mureș District Hospital.

Filmography (selection)

  • Fructe de pădure
  • Acordați circumstanțe atenuante
  • Glisando
  • Emisie continua
  • Undeva în est
  • Balanța
  • Cel mai iubit dintre pamânteni
  • Asfalt Tango
  • Sindromul Timișoara - Manipularea
  • 2005: The death of Mr. Lazarescu ( Moartea domnului Lăzărescu )

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