Isaak Naumowitsch Eisenstadt

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Isaak Naumowitsch Eisenstadt ( Russian Исаак Наумович Айзенштадт / Issaak Naumowitsch Aisenschtadt; * June 12, 1919 , † December 5, 2006 ) was a Soviet chemist and chess player . He was a professor at the Chair of Chemistry and Technology of Organic Nitrogen Compounds (also known as Chair 0814 ) in the Leningrad Technological Institute.


Eisenstadt did not begin to play chess until he was fifteen. He regularly attended the Leningrad Chess Club and after a year was rewarded with the second category. As a teenager he was allowed to play in the simultaneous game against Emanuel Lasker and José Raúl Capablanca in 1936 . Eisenstadt won both games, with Capablanca defeating after only twelve moves, not without the help of the former world champion. After his military service, he graduated from the Leningrad Technological Institute and worked as a research assistant, lecturer, professor. In 1970 he was promoted to Dr. chem. habilitation .

1951 Eisenstadt was first in the VCSPS team championship with Nauka on the reserve board. He took part in several Leningrad championships. Although he was never one of the best players in town, he defeated Viktor Korchnoi in these tournaments and played a draw with Leonid Schamkowitsch , Mark Taimanow , Boris Spasski and Semjon Furman . In the quarterfinals of the Soviet championship , he finished fifth in 1950 and third in 1952. Last time, the poorer ranking was his undoing. In 1961 Eisenstadt became national champions after winning a qualifying match against Lew Aronson with 8: 6. He also held the title of national referee .

Game fragment

Eisenstadt - Margolis, 1957
  a b c d e f G H  
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2 Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess bdt45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess plt45.svg Chess klt45.svg 2
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  a b c d e f G H  

Template: checkerboard-small / maintenance / new

In 1957 Eisenstadt won the individual championship of the Leningrad Sports Association Burewestnik with a half point lead on Vasily Bywschew . The final phase of his game against Margolis was remarkable: 1. Ra8! Black gave up because 1.… Rxa8 or 1.… Qf7 did not bring any improvement.

Publications (excerpt)

  • NW Cheifez, WA Lopyrew, IN Eisenstadt: Preparatiwny spossob polutschenija fosgena . In: Schurnal prikladnoi chimii, Volume 41, No. 6, 1968, p. 1380.
  • SF Melnikow, IN Eisenstadt, LI Bagal: Aromatitscheskije polinitroalkilazetali . In: Schurnal organitscheskoi chimii, Volume 7, No. 10, 1971, pp. 2136-2139.
  • IN Eisenstadt: Metod rastschjota idealnoi skorosti detonazii kondensirowannych WW . In: Fisika gorenija i wsrywa, Volume 12, No. 5, 1976, pp. 754-758.


  • L. Abramow, A. Konstantinopolski et al: Schachmatnyj Slowar , Moscow 1964, p. 181. (Russian)
  • Isaak Eisenstadt: Nesabywajemyje seansy . In: Schachmatny Peterburg, No. 3, 2002, pp. 36-37. (Russian)

Individual evidence

  1. Yefim Stoliar: Perwenstwo Leningradskogo soweta DSO "Burewestnik". In: Schachmaty w SSSR . No. 7, 1957, p. 212 (Russian)