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When isoimmunization maternal occur antibodies in the blood of the child, against erythrocytes directed the child. There are two types of isoimmunization, Rh isoimmunization ( DIMDI P55.0) and AB0 isoimmunization (DIMDI P55.1).

Isoimmunization can only occur if there is an incompatibility between the mother's blood group and that of the child. When the child's blood comes into contact with the mother's bloodstream, which usually takes place during delivery , antibodies against the child's red blood cells are formed in the mother's blood. As a consequence of pregnancy, these can lead to hemolysis of the child's blood during pregnancy or in the perinatal phase.

Complications are anemia , hydrops fetalis, or death of the child.

Individual evidence

  1. a b DIMDI: ICD-10-GM Version 2018