Israel Davidson

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Israel Davidson (* 1870 in Jonava , Lithuania , † 1939 in Great Neck (New York) ) was an American Jewish writer of Lithuanian origin ( Litwak ), one of the leading American Hebrew writers of his time.


Davidson studied in the Yeshiva in Jonava, Volozhin and Slobodka . In 1898 he emigrated to New York, worked in a number of professions and earned a Ph.D. at Columbia University .

His main work was the four-volume Otsar ha-shirah veha-piyut ( Thesaurus of Medieval Hebrew Poetry , New York 1924–1933).


  • Yosef Goldman: Hebrew Printing in America, 1735-1926. A History and Annotated Bibliography . YGBooks 2006, ISBN 1-59975-685-4 .