Israeli Central Command

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The Israeli Central Command ( Hebrew פיקוד מרקז, often abbreviated to Pakmaz , Hebrew פקמ"ז), as the territorial command authority of the Israel Defense Forces, is responsible, among other things, for the occupied territories of the West Bank . It is currently commanded by Major General ( Aluf ) Tamir Jadaj .


During the War of Independence , the Central Command was responsible for the fight against Jordan and around Jerusalem . During the 1967 Six Day War , the command carried out the occupation of the West Bank. During the First Intifada , the unit was mainly entrusted with security and counter-terrorism tasks.

Subordinate associations

Structure Central Command

The headquarters of the Central Command is in Newe Yaakov, northeast of Jerusalem . The current commander is Aluf (Major General) Tamir Jadaj.

  • Corps HQ (to lead Reserve Div. In case of war)
  • 162nd "ha-Plada" Armored Division (Regular)
    • 401. “I'kvot ha-Barzel” tank brigade
    • 933. Nahal Infantry Brigade
    • 900th “ Kfir ” Infantry Brigade (the units of the brigade are assigned to the regional brigades of the West Bank Division)
  • 98th “Ha-Esh” Paratrooper Division (Reserve)
    • 35th Paratrooper Brigade Flying Snake (Regular)
    • 226th “Ha-Nescher ha-Shahor” Paratrooper Brigade (reserve)
    • 551st “Hetzei ha-Esch” paratrooper brigade (reserve)
    • 623. “Hod ha-Hanit” Paratrooper Brigade (reserve)
    • 646th “Schualey Merom” Paratrooper Brigade (reserve)
  • West Bank Division (Territorial)
  • 2 × reserve armored divisions
  • Central Command Logistics Regiment
  • Central Command Telecommunications Battalion
  • Engineer & Construction Battalion
  • “Nitzan” Field Reconnaissance Battalion (special unit of the Aman military intelligence service )
  • “Erez” military police battalion
  • “Ta'oz” Military Police Battalion