Iulius Candidus (Legio I Italica)

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Iulius Candidus (his prenomen is not known) was a member of the Roman army living in the 2nd or 3rd century AD .

A dedicatory inscription found at Old Kilpatrick shows that Candidus Centurio was the Legio I Italica . The inscription shows that he was temporarily in command ( curam agente ) of the Cohors I Baetasiorum civium Romanorum , which at that time was stationed in the province of Britannia .

According to the RIB, Candidus was acting commander of the cohort; H. he was temporarily in command of the cohort instead of the actual commander . The actual commander of the cohort, Prefect Publicius Maternus , is also listed in the inscription . According to Eric Birley , there can be two reasons for the indication of the prefect in the inscription: either the prefect was absent at the time, or Candidus commanded only a deputy part of the cohort, while the rest of the unit in another location remained under the command of Maternus.

The inscription is dated to 142/180 by RIB, but to 208/211 by EDCS . According to the RIB, it was suggested by Eric Birley that Candidus with part of the Legio I Italica was relocated from Moesia inferior to 208 for the Britain campaign of Septimius Severus ; other historians assume, however, that Candidus was a centurion of the Roman army in Britain, who should be transferred to the Legio I Italica. According to RIB, the quality of the inscription and the use of cui praeest suggest that it was dated to the reign of Antoninus Pius (138–161).

On Hadrian's Wall , near the Vercovicium fort, three inscriptions were found that prove that a centuria of a first cohort under the command of a centurion Iulius Candidus was present here. It is uncertain whether this is the Iulius Candidus of the Legio I Italica, since an inscription for Britain shows another Iulius Candidus in the Legio XX Valeria Victrix ; in addition, two centurions with this name are occupied in legions that were stationed in other provinces.

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Individual evidence

  1. Inscription ( RIB 3509 ).
  2. John Spaul , Cohors² The evidence for and a short history of the auxiliary infantry units of the Imperial Roman Army , British Archaeological Reports 2000, BAR International Series (Book 841), ISBN 978-1-84171-046-4 , page 236 .
  3. ^ Inscriptions ( RIB 1632 , RIB 1646 , RIB 1674 ).
  4. Inscription ( RIB 2427,14 ).