Ivan Alexandrovich Chudjakov

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Ivan Alexandrovich Khudyakov ( Russian Иван Александрович Худяков ), (born January 1, jul. / January 13, 1842 greg. In Kurgan , † September 19 jul. / October 1, 1876 greg. In Irkutsk ) was a Russian revolutionary, folklorist and Ethnographer . His main work consisted in the collection of Russian fairy tales and folk songs.


Chudjakow was born as the son of the teacher Alexander Gavrilowitsch Chudjakow. He attended the Tobolsk grammar school and then studied history and philology in Kazan from 1858. In the following year he moved to Moscow University.

In 1860 he published the “Collection of Great Russian Folk History Songs” and, after his exmatriculation in 1861, in the years 1861–1862 his “Collection of Great Russian Fairy Tales”. He now moved to St. Petersburg , where he married Leonilla Alexandrovna Lebedewa. He wrote u. a. 1865 a reader for beginners and thus came into conflict with the tsarist censorship after his attempt to publish the magazine “ Märchenliche Welt” ( Russian: Сказочный мир ) in Russia had been banned. Popular science articles such as “Why thunder thunders” were the starting points for the censorship.

In the fall of 1865 Chudjakow traveled to Geneva , where he established contact with Alexander Ivanovich Herzen and Nikolai Platonowitsch Ogarjow . Chudjakow was a member of the Ishutin Society of the Social Revolutionary Nikolai Andreevich Ischutin and was arrested on April 7, 1866 in connection with the assassination attempt by Dmitri Karasokov and brought to justice. Chudjakow was exiled to Siberia and finally arrived on February 22, 1867 in his place of exile in Verkhoyansk . Until 1874 he studied the language, folklore and ethnography of the Yakuts in Verkhoyansk and wrote a Yakut-Russian dictionary.

Chudjakov became insane and on July 17, 1875 he was finally taken to the Irkutsk Psychiatric Hospital, where he died. He was buried in a poor grave in the Jerusalem cemetery in Irkutsk.


  • Сборник великорусских народных исторических песен (Collection of Traditional Great Russian Historical Songs), Moscow 1860
  • Сборник великорусских сказок (Collection of Great Russian Stories), Vol. 1: Moscow 1861; Vol. 2 and 3: Moscow 1862
  • Основной элемент народных сказок (The Basic Element of Traditional Stories), Biblioteka dlja Tschtenia, 1863
  • Русская женщина в допетровской России (The Russian Woman in Russia Before Peter the Great), Modny Magazine, 1863
  • Рассказы о старинных людях (stories about old people). Vol. 1-4. St. Petersburg 1864–65
  • По поводу двух выпусков песен Киреевского (About Two Volumes of Kireevsky Songs), Moskowskije Vedomosti , 1864
  • Самоучитель для начинающих обучаться грамоте (Autodidactic Learning to Write for Beginners), St. Petersburg 1865
  • Слово св. Игнатия для истинных христиан (The word of St. Ignatius for the true Christians). Geneva 1865
  • Рассказы о великих людях средних и новых времен (Stories about the Great Men of the Middle Ages and Modern Times), 1866
  • Древняя Русь. ('Old Rus'), St. Petersburg 1867
  • Опыт автобиографии (attempt at an autobiography), Geneva 1882
  • Верхоянский сборник (Verkhoyansk Collection), in: Announcements of the Department for Eastern Siberia of the Russian Society for Ethnography, Volume 1. Vol. 3, Irkutsk 1890
  • Записки каракозовца (Notes by a Karakosov), Moscow / Leningrad 1930


  • AV Adrianov (Адрианов, А. В.): The famous Siberian Ivan Alexandrovich Chudjakow . In: Library of Siberian Writers and Public Figures . No. 1 . Altschuler, Sankt Petersburg 1911 ( tomsk.ru [accessed December 12, 2017] Russian: Славный сибиряк Иван Александрович Худяков .).

Individual evidence

  1. Худяков Иван Александрович - Биографический словарь. glossword.info, accessed December 12, 2017 (Russian).
  2. А. В. Дулов: Городские некрополи // Памятники истории и культуры Иркутска . Вост.-Сиб. кн. изд-во, Иркутск 1993, ISBN 5-7424-0581-2 , pp. 106 .