Ivanko Pavlovich

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Iwanko Pavlovich , Russian Иванко Павлович († January 26, 1135 ) was governor of Novgorod from 1134 to 1135 . He was mentioned in the First Novgorod Chronicle on the occasion of a battle with the Principality of Suzdal , in which he fell with many other Novgorodians. He had previously been appointed governor by Prince Mstislav at an unknown time.

Ivanko Pavlovich was possibly identical to an Ivanko Pavlovich, from whom a stone cross has been preserved, which he had erected on the occasion of a river construction.

He is assigned a seal of a Novgorod governor, on which John the Baptist is depicted (Johannes> Ioann). Some birch bark texts mention people with the name Iwan or Iwanko, it is not certain whether he was identical to any of these.

His father could have been Pavel, governor of Ladoga .


  • В. Л. Янин: Новгородские посадники. Москва: Языки славянских культур, 2003, pp. 115, 169

Individual evidence

  1. Mentioned for 1116 in the First Novgorod Chronicle