Jörg-Peter Pahl

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Jörg-Peter Pahl (born July 7, 1939 in Berlin ) is a German educational scientist , professional pedagogue and university professor em. at the TU Dresden , who teaches and researches in the fields of vocational science and vocational training science as well as didactics of professional teaching and learning.


Pahl was born the son of the electrical engineer Hans-Joachim Pahl and his wife Edith. After the assassination attempt on July 20, 1944, the family was torn apart by the Nazi regime. The parents were sent to a concentration camp and the son was placed in a family loyal to the regime with about twenty children. The mother was released a few weeks later and was obliged to do labor. The boy came to his grandparents in Treuburg in East Prussia, from where he took part in the escape from the Russian army.

After the end of the war, the family got together again and have lived in Hamburg ever since. Pahl graduated from technical high school, began an apprenticeship as a machinist and at the same time attended an evening grammar school. After completing his apprenticeship, he worked as a mechanical engineer at a company for apparatus construction and passed the entrance examination for a degree course. In the fall of 1960 he began studying at what was then the engineering school that he graduated in the summer of 1963. He took up a job as a mechanical engineer in a Hamburg company specializing in heating, air conditioning and ship technology, and in the fall of 1963 enrolled in a teaching position at vocational schools and technical colleges at the University of Hamburg. He passed his first state examination in 1966 in the subjects of "Educational Sciences", "Social Sciences" and "Metal Technology". In the spring of 1967 he started his legal clerkship, which he completed in the summer of 1968 with the second state examination.

From 1968 to 1974 he worked at the state vocational school for automotive and aircraft technology and had a teaching position at the study seminar. From 1974 to 1975 he was head of department and pedagogical head of department at the vocational school Iserlohn, in which at that time a model test of the federal institute for vocational training for the double qualification "skilled worker certificate and technical college entrance qualification" was carried out, in which he participated. In 1975 he became the full-time head of the specialist seminar “Metal and Machine Technology” at the State Study Seminar in Hamburg. In addition, he headed various curriculum committees and, in order not to lose contact with teaching practice, taught at the various forms of vocational schools. In 1989 he received his doctorate with the thesis "Holistic content structuring on the basis of the technology didactic approach". In addition to his main office work, he participated in model tests at the University of Bremen , was co-editor of the magazine “Learn & lehren - Elektro- und Metalltechnik” and in 1992 co-editor of “berufsbildung - magazine for practice and theory in companies and schools”. From 1991 to 1993 he was a member of a commission to establish an institute for the training of teachers in vocational schools at the Flensburg University of Education . In the spring of 1993 he received a call from the TU Dresden and the educational science faculty as a didactician at the then Institute for Vocational Subjects. The chair had the denomination "Metal and Machine Technology / Professional Didactics". Here he worked as director of the institute on various research projects. After his retirement in 2004 he works on a voluntary basis at the Institute for Vocational Subjects and the successor institute “Vocational Education and Vocational Didactics” at the Technical University of Dresden with third-party funded projects and numerous publications, as well as editor and scientific advisory board. Since 2015 he has been involved in a doctoral colloquium at the Institute for Applied Structural Engineering at the TU Hamburg .

Work and focus of work

Pahl has published more than 20 monographs, over 30 edited volumes and more than 350 specialist articles. He is a co-founder of the specialist magazine “Learn & Lehren –Elektrotechnik / Metalltechnik” and, after the fall of the Berlin Wall, gave the magazine “berufsbildung” a new form. His work is directed towards the non-academic and academic areas with the aim of researching, systematizing, presenting and improving professional teaching, learning and studying. The focus is on the development of vocational training and the vocational training system, which are closely related to the professions and the development of the professions. In doing so, Pahl is particularly interested in professionally and vocationally founded didactic concepts for training and teaching as well as the development and expansion of professional teaching, learning and studying.


Editing of periodicals

  • vocational training. Journal for practice and theory in work and school . (from 1992 to 2002 together with Ernst Uhe, from 2003 to 2010 together with Josef Rützel)
  • learn & teach . Associate Editor. Journal of the federal working groups for electrical engineering and metal technology. (1988-2015)
  • "Teaching and learning sheet for technology". Editor. (1996-1999)
  • "Professional field science. Research - Teaching - Practice ". Metal and machine technology. Ten volumes. (1995-1999)
  • "Dresden Studies in Educational Science and Social Research" . Member of the editorial board. Weinheim and Munich Juventa Verlag (1995–2002)

Monographs and editorships (selection since 2010)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ TU Dresden research Prof. Jörg-Peter Pahl. Retrieved January 5, 2020 .
  2. TU Hamburg-Harburg Institute for Applied Construction Technology. Retrieved January 5, 2020 .
  3. Homepage Jörg-Peter Pahl. Accessed January 5, 2020 (German).