Elisabet Strid

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Elisabet Strid (born January 25, 1976 in Malmö ) is a Swedish opera singer with a soprano voice .


Training and first appearances

Elisabet Strid attended a music high school in Malmö, where her talent for classical singing was discovered and there were also opportunities to practice in the ensemble. At the age of 18 she began taking singing lessons from Karin Mang-Habashy, who prepared her for the entrance exam to the Stockholm Opera Academy. From 2000 to 2004 she studied singing with Christina Öquist-Matton. She gained her first stage experience with her debut at the Vadstena Academy as Byrgitta in the 2003 opera of the same name by Carl Unander-Scharin. After completing her studies, she worked at the Norrlandsoperan in Umeå , where she made her debut in 2005 as Liù in Turandot . She began her international work in 2007 as Sieglinde in Die Walküre at the Latvian National Opera in Riga .

Development as an opera singer

In addition to Dvořák's Rusalka and a few Puccini roles, her repertoire primarily consisted of youthful dramatic roles in operas by Richard Wagner. She made her debut at the Bayreuth Festival in 2013 as Freia in Das Rheingold . The further development as a Wagner interpreter led up to Brünnhilde in Siegfried . Then there were similar roles in operas by Richard Strauss, especially Salome since 2017 .

Opera roles and engagements (selection)

Debut in role
2006 Rusalka ( Rusalka )
2007 Sieglinde ( The Valkyrie )
Apr. 2010 Elisabeth ( Tannhauser )
Dec 2010 Cio Cio San ( Madama Butterfly ) Finnish National Opera , Helsinki
2011 Gutrune ( Götterdämmerung ) Latvian National Opera, Riga
Giorgetta ( Il tabarro )
  • Finnish National Opera, Helsinki (Sep. 2011)
  • Den Norske Opera, Oslo (Oct. 2018)
2013 Freia ( The Rheingold ) Bayreuth Festival
2013 Senta ( The Flying Dutchman )
Apr. 2015 Brünnhilde ( Siegfried )
  • Leipzig Opera House
  • Müpa Budapest (June 2016)
Sep 2016 Chrysothemis ( Elektra ) Finnish National Opera, Helsinki
June 2017 Salome ( Salome )
  • Leipzig Opera House
  • Israeli Opera Tel Aviv (Jan. 2019)
  • Teatro Communale di Bologna (Feb. 2019)
May 2019 Lisa ( Queen of Spades ) German Opera on the Rhine


  • Luminous love , arias from operas by Beethoven and Wagner. Elisabet Strid, Bulgarian National Radio Symphony Orchestra, Ivan Anguelov. OehmsClassics , 2016.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Edgar Lopez: World Cup at home: Elisabet Strid and the Sweden game. In: Sportbuzzer. June 22, 2018, accessed January 15, 2020 .
  2. Klaus Billand : ELISABET STRID, Freia in the new Bayreuth “Ring” 2013 - July 25, 2013. In: Klaus Billand, Life with Wagner's Music. June 25, 2013, accessed January 8, 2020 .
  3. ^ Canal 22: Rusalka. Video document on Youtube, accessed on January 8, 2020 .
  4. ^ Peter Krause: Opera review: Göteborgs Operan - Die Walküre; Wagner's empathy. In: concerti. December 2, 2019, accessed January 8, 2020 .
  5. Ángel Parsifal: Die Walküre in Teatro Real, Madrid: love and conflict in a hopeless world. In: Emociones Líricas. February 16, 2020, accessed February 17, 2020 .
  6. Il Tabarro-E ben altro il mio sogno. Video document on Youtube, October 24, 2011, accessed on February 19, 2020 .
  7. Barbara Angerer-Winterstetter: Wotan's Clan in the Golden Motel. In: Mittelbayerische. July 28, 2013, accessed January 13, 2020 .
  8. Midou Grossmann: When the subconscious is dancing. In: Klassik.com. April 13, 2015, accessed January 13, 2020 .
  9. Christoph Wurzel: Hero kills children's drawing: Siegfried with a pinch of irony. In: bachtrack. June 22, 2016, accessed June 21, 2020 .
  10. Sune Manninen: HELSINKI: ELEKTRA - Premiere. In: Online marker. September 3, 2016, accessed January 13, 2020 .
  11. Friedbert Streller: In memory of Rosalie. In: Music in Dresden. July 1, 2017, accessed January 8, 2020 .
  12. ^ Teatro Communale Bologna: Salomé di Richard Strauss. Video document on Youtube, accessed January 8, 2020 (Italian).