Jörg Lentz

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Jörg Lentz (born February 8, 1959 ) is a former German soccer player who was used by FC Hansa Rostock in the GDR league in 1978/79 .

Athletic career

In GDR-wide football, Lentz appeared when the squad was published for the FC Hansa Rostock team in the junior league for the 1978/79 season. He was also used from the first day of play in the junior team as a right attacker and completed 16 of 26 games played by the end of the season, in which he scored three goals. At the age of 19, Lentz was already in action in the GDR league during this season. Between the 9th and the 13th matchday he was called up four times as a substitute .

Surprisingly, Lentz appeared in the 1979/80 season as a new addition to the company sports community (BSG) Post Neubrandenburg in the second-rate GDR league . There he played the first four point games of the season from the start, then two matches as a substitute. In October he was no longer used by the BSG Post in the GDR league. Since he was no longer a member of a sports club, Lentz no longer had promotional status and had to comply with his military service from November 1979. However, he got the opportunity to continue playing second division football at the Army Sports Association (ASG) Vorwärts Neubrandenburg . By October 1982 Lentz was a striker at ASG Vorwärts in 56 of 74 GDR league games.

From November 1982 he played again at Post Neubrandenburg and was a regular player there for many years. According to the sources listed below, Lentz was active in the Post team until the end of the 1990/91 season. After that, he no longer appeared in the higher-class soccer leagues.


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