Jürgen Kanzow

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Jürgen Kanzow (born September 6, 1938 in Bremen, † September 11, 1997 in Berlin) was a pioneer of broadband communication in Germany.


As the son of the graduate farmer Dr. rer. pole. Karl Kanzow studied Jürgen Kanzow engineering at the TU Berlin and in 1958 he became active in the Corps Normannia . In 1967 he was awarded the ribbon of the suspended Teutonia Hall . He began a career in 1965 in the Bremen Post Office. In the 1970s he was a graduate engineer. and Ministerialrat in the Federal Ministry for the Post Office and Telecommunications, significantly responsible for the introduction of telefax and for the creation of screen text (Btx) by the Deutsche Bundespost . In 1980 he switched to the newly founded development company of Bundespost Detecon . From there he initiated the BERKOM project in Berlin in 1986 , which he also headed, from 1993 as managing director of the newly founded DeTeBerkom GmbH.


Kanzow gave decisive impulses for the introduction of services such as fax and screen text (today T-Online ) as well as for the digitization of the telephone network. Kanzow was also significantly involved in the preparation of the ISDN and, with BIGFON, helped shape the development of the fiber optic network . With the Berkom program he made a decisive contribution to the development of broadband and multimedia communication. Terms such as telemedicine , telepublishing and telelearning are inextricably linked to this program. With his projects, he was able to bring significant funding from EU programs such as RACE and ACTS to Germany and to network the German telecommunications industry internationally.


  • Helmut Ricke, Jürgen Kanzow: BERKOM broadband communication in the fiber optic network. Overview and summary 1986-1991 , Berlin 1995
  • Jürgen Kanzow: Development policy measures of the Deutsche Bundespost in the field of digital services for the second half of the eighties Communication in distributed systems 1981 : 2–8
  • Jürgen Kanzow: The Berkom project [ISDN] , Detecon, Berlin ( bibliographical reference )

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Kösener Corpslisten 1960, 5 , 556