Jürgen Rimann

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Jürgen Rimann (* 1945 ; † December 23, 2006 in Achim , Verden district ) was a German vexillologist and heraldist .

He was a founding member of the German Flag Society (DGF) and has had a lasting impact on flag science in Germany. Worldwide he had a good reputation as the best German expert on flag flying on motor vehicles. Rimann had put together an extensive collection on this subject. A publication on this special topic that had been planned for many years, the research of which he was the first to start researching worldwide, initially failed due to the high production costs and the lack of digitization of his mostly hand-made flag drawings. It was only in his last years that he began to digitize his drawings. Due to his death, a publication by him was no longer possible. A first publication appeared posthumously , edited by Andreas Herzfeld, 2009.

In his home town of Achim he organized two vexillologist meetings. Rimann designed the flag of the DGF and was a secretary on the board from 1995 to 1999 . In 2003 he took over duties on the board as treasurer before he had to resign from his honorary position due to illness.

Publications (selection)

  • Flag flying on company vehicles in East Germany from 1945–1952. Part 1. In: The flag courier. No. 3, p. 25.


  • Andreas Herzfeld: The Rimann'sche collection of German car flags and car stands . Ed .: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Flaggenkunde (=  contributions to German automobile history . Volume 3 ). tape 2 : Germany since 1945 . German Society for Flag Studies, Berlin 2009, ISBN 978-3-935131-09-4 .
  • Andreas Herzfeld: The Future of the Rimann Collection of Car Flags . In: 22nd International Congress of Vexilology FlagBerlin 2007 . Conference proceedings, p. 532–536 ( dr-herzfeld.de [PDF; accessed on February 23, 2013] German: The future of the Rimann'schen car flag collection .).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ "Jürgen Rimann, the best German specialist for all the car flags in the world and a very reliable source" - cf. flagspot.net