Jürgen Sturm

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Jürgen Sturm in 2009 at the Komm-Zentrum Düren

Jürgen Sturm (* 1954 in Aachen ) is a guitarist, composer and band leader .

He began playing the guitar at the age of eight, influenced by his father, who played the accordion . After his first attempts in blues bands , musical and dance orchestras and a youth jazz orchestra, he studied classical guitar and flute in Aachen ; he continued his studies in Cologne, Boston and Munich.

Since graduating, he has concentrated on jazz music as a musician, composer and arranger. He also experimented with tango and program music . He continues to work as a music teacher.

Bands and projects

Sturm played and plays with the following bands and projects:

  • Sturm Trio - since 1996, currently active with a new production
  • Anirahtak, Lovens , Schmidt, Sturm - currently sleepy
  • Jend Eisele Sturm - active in phases since 1998
  • Anirahtak & Jürgen Sturm Duo - since 1990, active in the trio with Lothar Galle-M. (Bass)
  • Anirahtak & the Jürgen Sturm Band - since 1989, sleeps since 1996
  • Jürgen Storm's Sidestream (1979–1983)
  • Jürgen Sturms Ballstars (since 1982, sleeps since 1994)

Sound carrier

  • Art'n Schutz Orchester (2015)
  • Lorelei (2010)
  • Good Stuff (2007)
  • Anirahtak & Jürgen Sturm - Duo (1999)
  • Jend Eisele Storm (1999)
  • Prayers of the Night (1994)
  • Berlin - Paris - New York (1992)
  • The Kurt Weill Program (1989)
  • Tango Subversivo (1984/1990)
  • Blue News (1982)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Luxaries Records: Productions. In: http://www.luxaries.de./produktionen.htm . Luxaries Records, November 9, 2015, accessed December 11, 2017 (German).