Jürgen Wegge

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Jürgen Wegge (born May 27, 1963 ) is a German industrial and organizational psychologist.


After graduating from high school in Hattingen in 1982, Wegge studied psychology at the Ruhr University in Bochum . He was born in 1994 at the University of Dortmund with the dissertation Motivation, Information Processing and Performance. Investigations into the effects of goal setting on human information processing in performance actions for Dr. phil. PhD and habilitation there in 2003. In 2001/02 he was visiting professor at the University of Konstanz and in 2002/03 at the University of Bielefeld . From 2004 to 2007 he was Professor of Psychology at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich . In 2007 he became professor for work and organizational psychology at the Technical University of Dresden.

From 2010 to 2012 he was President of the Working, Organizational and Business Psychology Section of the German Society for Psychology (DGP). Since 2014 he has been co-editor of the Zeitschrift für Personalforschung . He is a board member of the following journals: Zeitschrift für Arbeits- und Organizationalpsychologie , Journal of Personnel Psychology, Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, Journal of Management & Organization and Zeitschrift für Gesundheitspsychologie. He is also a member of the scientific advisory board of the Demography Network. He is the author of numerous contributions and articles.

Wegge is married and has two children.

Fonts (selection)

  • Motivation to learn, information processing, performance. On the importance of the learner's goals in clarifying motivational performance differences (= educational psychology and developmental psychology . Volume 7). Waxmann, Münster a. a. 1998, ISBN 3-89325-615-6 .
  • Leadership of working groups . Hogrefe, Publishing House for Psychology, Göttingen a. a. 2004, ISBN 3-8017-1820-4 .
  • (Ed. With Klaus-Helmut Schmidt): Promotion of work motivation and health in organizations (= motivation research . Volume 21). Hogrefe, Göttingen u. a. 2004, ISBN 3-8017-1782-8 .

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