Youth campaign for nature and environmental protection in Lower Saxony

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JANUN is short for J sufficiently A ction N atur- and U NVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION N iedersachsen e. V. The addition of the Lower Saxony Youth Environment Network has been used since the late 1990s. JANUN is a nationwide network of youth associations, youth environment offices, project workshops and free groups in nature and environmental protection in Lower Saxony and as such is unique in Germany.


The club was founded in the late 1980s. During this time, it was discussed within the youth environmental movement to transfer the existing associations BUNDjugend and NAJU into a joint network of youth environmental associations, first through a joint working group, then through the establishment of an own association. Among the co-founders was the later co-founder of Attac Germany, Sven Giegold .

The network has been registered as an association since July 18, 1990 and recognized as a non-profit organization. The association is a member of the Landesjugendring Niedersachsen and is recognized as a carrier of political adult education, extracurricular youth education and free youth welfare.

The founding associations are the Naturschutzjugend Niedersachsen, the BUNDjugend Niedersachsen, and the German Youth Association for Nature Observation , District Lower Saxony.

There were three reasons for founding the association. Youth work for and with young people should be made possible free of charge, the organization should be grassroots democracy and the association had to fit into association law.


The association is divided into 20 members and project groups. The State Youth Office (LaJuBü) takes on the coordinating function, group support and administration. The orientation of the work is decided by the Coordination Council (KoRa), in which representatives of the member and project groups regularly participate. Due to the grassroots democratic orientation, the KoRa is open to all active people, as all young people have the right to speak and vote. As a rule, votes are not taken in the meetings of the KoRa and decisions are sought by consensus.

The breeder is the director of JANUN and, in addition to discussing new ideas for action and projects, makes formal decisions about personnel and finances. The meetings are open so that everyone can participate in important decisions. The breeder is elected annually from the representatives of the groups at the January KoRa delegate assembly.

In addition to the two regional offices in Hanover and Lüneburg, there are also regional offices in Hanover, Lüneburg and Göttingen, which are themselves part of the network. The regional offices represent a local level of the nationwide network and are a small network of local project and member groups and represent them in the respective city youth council.


The thematic focus ranges from classic nature conservation and environmental activism (such as the commitment against the CASTOR transports and biopiracy ) to globalization and consumer criticism and animal welfare. During the autumn holidays, the "Autumn Spectacle" is a Lower Saxony-wide youth environment festival that is open to all interested parties with a thematic focus.

A selection of the project groups:

  • AK Herbstspektakel - organizes the 5-day congress once a year during the autumn holidays
  • AK Eastern Europe - Organization of youth exchanges
  • Project F - Volunteers are supported in carrying out their own socio-politically relevant projects
  • KonsuMensch -
  • AK Tierrechte - organizes a campaign against the largest chicken slaughterhouse in Europe in Wietze

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ JANUN Hannover eV: Home. Retrieved April 5, 2020 .
  2. JANUN Göttingen - Youth campaign for nature and environmental protection in Göttingen. Retrieved on April 5, 2020 (German).
  3. Tobias Schlegl : Too late? That is how future-oriented we young Germans are; an inspection. With Lars Meier, Rowohlt-Taschenbuch-Verlag, Reinbek bei Hamburg 2008, ISBN 978-3-499-62390-5 , pp. 62–68
  4. Annegret March: Integrating / Creating Identity: Virtualized Collective Identity and Community. In: Sigrid Baringhorst: Business critical campaigns: political protest in the context of digital communication. Civil Society and Democracy Vol. 34; VS-Verlag, Wiesbaden 2010, ISBN 978-3-531-17451-8 , pp. 177-221, here pp. 196-213