Jaap M. Hemelrijk

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Jaap M. Hemelrijk (1976)

Jaap M. Hemelrijk ( August 20, 1925 in Utrecht - June 1, 2018 in Wanneperveen ) was a Dutch classical archaeologist .

Hemelrijk received his doctorate in 1956 with the dissertation De Caeretaanse hydriae at the University of Amsterdam under Emilie Haspels . Until 1986 he was Professor of Classical Archeology at the University of Amsterdam. His successor was his student Herman AG Brijder .

His main research area was the Greek vases . Since his dissertation, he has dealt in particular with the group of the Caeretaner Hydrien , which he examined extensively in a fundamental monograph, numerous articles and a supplementary volume.

Publications (selection)


  • Herman AG Brijder, AA Drukker, Cornelius W. Neeft (Eds.), Enthousiasmos, Essays on Greek and related Pottery presented to JM Hemelrijk. Allard Pierson Series 6, Amsterdam 1986, ISBN 90-71211-08-8

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